Welcome to the hub of all things about Apostle Pride Sibiya's blog (short for “Web Log”)
As you will see this blog has several advantages:
1. It is a familiar medium. It’s different than a book or a newsletter, to be sure, but it is still publishing - this is a medium we all understand. Also, as a writer myself, it’s a medium I understand, which is important if I’m going to do this on a regular basis. This blog allows me to write whenever I want without the expectation that it has to be at regular intervals.
2. It provides a mechanism for feedback. This blog allows for comments (see the bottom of this post). You can even enter your comments anonymously if you wish.
3. It provides an archive of communications. This feature allows you to catch up if you have missed some of my posts. I think it might also prove helpful topics, allowing you to read the entries that interest them whenever you have the opportunity or interest.
Please do provide me with feedback. I want to hear “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” If you disagree with me or want to provide an alternative perspective, go for it! If you are uncomfortable using your real name, use an alias.
The important thing is to tell me what’s on your mind.