MUST READ: Why Pastors Ignore And Give Up On You (not good but it happens).

You Won’t Understand Me:

Bishop Speaks

It is hard to understand the soul of a man or woman of God. Read this through. Today I resisted someone who needed my help. Why? Am I not a man of God? Do I hate people? Is this right?

Let me answer why I feel safe rejecting other people’s plea for help. So when someone approaches me for help, rich or poor, black or white and with a gift or non, I always open to people! This is because I love people and that God sent me to them. It is also because if feel obliged to help because I am here because of other fathers and mothers who have helped me. Unfortunately, people tend to abuse pastors who:

Love them: they trash them and only rush to them when everyone else is ignoring them. You don’t even have the simple courtesy of apologizing!!!

Are concerned about them: they lose respect, desperation and start developing familiarity.

Don’t charge them: they feel what you have is not so important.

When you afford people open time they feel that it is because you don’t have anything productive to do so they ignore even appointments that you give for silly reasons. When you fast for them they feel it is your duty so there is no need to appreciate you. Infact the fact that you are a man of God means, to them, you have, absolutely no right over anything nor should you complain of any abuse lest you be called a fake prophet!

This is why I will say no to you in your face even though I love you deeply:

1. My heart. A true pastor called of God, empathises with his flock. He cannot hear your problem and feel good at the same time. He feels for you. If your send me your problem or say you want to see me, I immediately carry that burden! That burden causes me moments of sadness, concern and uneasiness. You then ignore that appointment thus ignoring my heart, then come back to restart the process of giving me another burden after 6 months. You left me pregnant with your burden now you want to impregnate me again? I had to take care of my good ole heart alone. I have to protect my heart so I can reach 100 years preaching to those who are more serious than you or else I will die young. Unondiudza dambudziko rako ndopedza mwedzi ndichitsanya… after that I have to ask you kuti how far? Iwewe manje woti panyaya yei zviya…? Kikiki!

2. Time. My time is my money. I cannot continue leaving in this life and continue turning my head to people who waste my time. I am old enough to realise that I am not on earth forever. The little time I have needs to be budgeted properly. How do you expect me to keep booking appointments for you when you disregard the fact that the past 3 appointments I bathed, ironed, ignored my family and friends, left a deal that was supposed to pay for my time then got to the office to hear you didn’t come. I had to call you for you to tell me kuti, sorry ndakanganwa kuti was supposed to meet you! Hes mhani! And am supposed to shout, hallelujah! Forget another appointment! And then another! I will never trade my time for someone who disrespects my time, space and does not honour appointments. I am not God, I have limited time and space on earth! My door has just shut in your face!

3. My worth. I used to do premarital counselling without charging. My course, ordinarily takes 10 hours to do. In Harare the cheapest counsellors charge US$30 per hour session. So here I am investing 10 hours into your future marriage, leaving my family crying for daddy so that after it all you smile at me and say, God bless you… then rush to pay $1 700 to your wedding venue owner. 2500 to your caterer etc. This is not just a money issue, it’s a worth-issue. You relate to me based on the level of worth you have in me. You just showed me that I am a worthless person who has nothing of value to give to you. You see worth in your service providers and not your pastor. Ummm Sibiya aramba! I can’t bow down to the level of worth you see me, I will maintain my level! Maoko aya ayambutsa vakawanda. Many pastors wed people and do not even get fuel to go there! When things go wrong, you expect me to once again leave everything to attend to what you want me to attend to? Ko the instructions and revelations I waste on a son who won’t even obey? Should I keep downloading from heaven for that one? Ko vamwewo vasati vawana mukana iwoyo!

4. Anointing costs. It is true that the Bible says, freely you were given freely give. Freely is not based on charging or not. It is based on being liberal with what you were given liberally. The same Bible tells preachers to be fed amongst those they minister too. We don’t charge the anointing, though it costs a lot. However that free anointing needs: 

A body to leave in that is not catered for for free

Preaching and counselling needs a lot of calories which do not come from heaven.

The Bible, I didn’t get for free

The hours of its study are worthy

I didn’t go to Bible school on a bursary that your family sponsored. 

After fasting for that anointing there is need to be real that fast with food

It is never easy for God to entrust a man with an anointing. It takes a lot of time, money, fasting, prayer, character, right relationships with fathers of the faith, tithing, giving etc! 

Inini ndichikunamatira manje, iwewe uchindiitire chii?😂 Check your Bible and see what happened when people were going to God’s servants! Ehe tinazvo zvinhu zvenyu zvatakapihwa nedenga, tiri kunamata nekutsanya zvenyu zvinoita chete but know how to connect. Unofunga ungatore muchato we$10000 nekungoti, I tap!?

After getting blessed by an anointing that took 30 years to gather and eating food bought by money in my office built by bricks that was bought, you go into toilet built by money and deposit “that one!” before using tissues and flushing with water that did not come from heaven, neither was given freely by God…then you expect me to be up and running all the time when you shout?

The poor we will always have and these will have to just come and see their pastor but someone like you must be responsible to say let me take care of the needs of a servant of God kuti vasina vabatsirwe mahara. Haunyare here kunditukira kuti hamusi kupindura message paFacebook usina kutenga data racho?😂😂😂. I am off to work for my children, than being a Facebook pastor for people who just say pray for me, fast for me! Why should it be for you always? When I release blessings you are number 1 to comment, when I say SHARE or partner you become dumb! Ahhhh iwe 😂😂😂 handina kupusa. I pray for you and you don’t even send a testimony. How many did I fast for to get a visa wozongoona nemapikicha kuti ah vakayambuka? 

Unonditi chipedzai kuvaka usina kana chidhinha che15c chawakatenga? Hanzi Tiyambuke iyi please beam live, usina kana 1GB rawatumira…ah iweka ukawana nguva nemukana u…. 😂

I still have tonnes to say asi regai ndigumire pano!

You can’t insist that I am your father spiritually if we do not have relationship without strings attached. Haunganditi baba vangu nekuti you want to use my name that my father is Bishop Sibiya nekuti wakaona musangano wakabudirira? 

Nekuti waona nhingi aitirwa waakuti, I need you! Imimika musadaro, treat your pastor semufudzi kwete mufudze! I know you will criticize but that’s all you can do, you can’t stop me from speaking the truth… usabate mufundisi kunge joki raunongofunga nekuti havi yabata, church yedu yechipostora haisi kiriniki yaunozongofunga nekuti warohwa nemanyoka!

This is why I never caese to thank God for everyone who stands with me in my ministry not as spiritual mosquitoes but as mature and responsible sons and daughter who are concerned about this mantle, this jacket, this grace and this anointing and vision. God bless you!

Gore repressure!

I love you all guys and am waiting to see you soon!😍🥰😘. I will never charge for the Word BUT FUNGAWO!

Which pastor do you choose to read this? Send him or her NOW!

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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