He Made Them Houses

What is the house?

Exodus 1:21 “ And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.”

As each day passes and we draw closer to Sunday I keep pondering on the promise gave me to build houses for His people. Many of us have been cheated out of thousands of dollars for need of houses, only God can never cheat you! Choose to trust God over those who have cheated you. So what is a house in Exodus? Let me explain:

Bishop Sibiya

The children of Israel were being persecuted and not children were being killed to stop their multiplication. Godly midwifes especially Shiphrah and Puah preserved Israel’s seed under very difficult circumstances. They chose to listen to God’s voice instead of the voice of a ruthless king who had enslaved them. The King they listened to does not enslave, He builds houses for His own. Hallelujah! They needed to be resourced for the next 80 years till Moses was fully grown, matured and ready to take Israel out. GOd stepped in by building them houses. House here means:

  1. Physical houses. Pharaoh built houses in which pregnant women were kept till childbirth to ascertain whether it was going to be a boy or girl. God built houses for His own people to hide them till delivery. This is the way God hid Baruch and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 26:36).
  2. In the Hebrew set-up “build up a house” is an idiom meaning, to have a family with many children. These ensured that the midwives were protected and waxed great and prosperous.
  3. Marriages and many children for the posterity of their names

Sons and daughters, may the Lord build a house for you…May you have a great and strong marriage… May you wax great… May you be prosperous… May the memory of your name never be cut off!

Make it a point you have registered by this Friday afternoon for the Sunday anointing service for building and please bring your seed!

Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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