Mega Exploits: The Rains Stopped...

As Bishop Pride Sibiya was ministering in yesterday's service, Sunday January 14, 2023, thick, black clouds developed.

Soon the rains started pounding and this was a great disturbance as some people started moving up and down trying to get positions where there were no roof and side leaks in the big shade where he was preaching. 

Mega Exploits: The Rains Stopped...
Mega Exploits: The Rains Stopped...

The Bishop stopped preaching and shouted, "mvura mira ndirikuda kumboparidza!" ("rain stop i want to preach!") In a few minutes it stopped and then returned again. Then  the Bishop stopped again and asked the congregation to join him in faith rather than wait to see if it would happen or not. 

As the church joined in faith, he again commanded the rains to stop, talking to the black clouds to be diverted and giving them the direction to go then the rains increased but in an instance stopped as the black clouds moved away and the rest of the day was enjoyed in massive sunlight.

"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:39-41)


Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense). The views shared in this article may not necessarily be the same as those of the brand.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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