Ko Kana Mafia Iri Kuda Kukuparadza Nhaiwe?

Kuzvifarira kana kusazvifarira munyika umo mune vanhu vanobata mishonga, kune vamwe vakangomirira kudeura ropa revamwe vanhu for rituals, kune vakamirira kuchekeresa vanhu nema-accidents but woudza mumwe munhu kuti gamuchira Jesu unamate, unomuona achiramba.

Ko Kana Mafia Iri Kuda Kukuparadza Nhaiwe?

Zvivindi here kana kuti its ignorance?

As long usinganamate you are more vulnerable, uri pa-danger yakanyanya kupfura vamwe vanonamata.

Mwari havazi rivo vano benefiter pakunamata kwako but you are the one who benefits. Kunamata or kusanamata, God will remain God. Mwari vagara vari Mwari even kusati kwava nevanhu panyika. So rega kufunga kuti uri kuitira Mwari favor nekunamata but ziva kuti you are doing yourself the biggest favour, nhasi kuri kunzi Satan neMafia yake vafunga kukuparadza, what protection do you have?

Namata hama yangu, kuchenjera kwako hakukwanise kupreventer hondo dzeMweya dzinokumukira, no matter how good you are at driving, as long usina Mwari, satan anokudonhedza chete.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense). The views shared in this article may not necessarily be the same as those of the brand.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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