Jesu Akaoma Hake NdaSurrender Hangu!
Nhasi ndazonyatsoverenga ndikazoona kuti hakuna mnhu akaita saJesu. Pane matambudziko ari muupenyu hwako achapera nekungoverenga nyaya iyi! Chimboteerera unzwe:
5 loaves divided by 5000, baya calculator uone, its equals to 0.001, and wopihwa banga wonzi cheka 5 loaves idzodzo kuti dzikwane vanhu 5000, unocheka chirudzii? asi kutopa munhu wese mafufu kani, nekuti everyone is supposed to get 0.001 of a loaf.
Jesu Akaoma Hake NdaSurrender Hangu! |
Idzo fish dzacho 2 divided by 5000 = 0.0004. haaa hapana machekero aungaite fish dzacho kuti vanhu vadye vagute. zveCalculator hazvaigona kushanda apa, of course calculator ukaibaya and it will give you these "answers" but the answer is not practicable, haishandike nayo answer yacho, unochicheka sei chingwa chacho, worse fish dzacho, but food iyoyo payakapihwa Jesu yakakwana vanhu vese vari 5000. it was enough for them and pakatosara 12 baskets dzemaLeft over (Mark 6:37-44).
Mamwe maProblems emuLife calcualtor haishande, unogona kuWorker ugoWorker, ugoDivider, uchiMultiplier, uchiAdder zvese nekuSubtracter, but hazvibude...zvinotoda Jesu. Heee salary yacho Revenue Authority yazotora 20%, saka pasara mari yakati and i want to pay electricity, kanzuru, ndinoda chikafu, school fees, this & that. calculator inongokupa maDigits chete but haikupe soluton. only GOD can give you a lasting answer. mhinduro inogara inobva kuna Mwari so why should you worry about zvinhu zvisiri kuBalancer, chingozviisa mumaoko aJesu and it shall be solved.
Musi wesvondo tese kuchurch!
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