Why Many Successful Men or Men With Potential Are More Attracted To Single Moms
1. A single mom being munhu akambopinda mumba akabuda akuziva zvakaita imba nechimiro chayo. Anenge akuziva mamistakes aakaita or aakaitirwa and ka general behaviour kevarume kari common. From that anenge akugadzirisawo paanogona kunge akaita ma mistakes. And ave ne better understanding of men. Hakuna munhu anoda kuroorwa nhasi obuda mumba.Oroorwazve mangwana obuda futi mumba. Pekutanga people can and normally will understand. Kepiri zvinobva zvaita as if ndiwe une problem and that tag is not nice.
Why Many Successful Men or Men with Potential Are More Attracted To Single Moms |
2. So many single moms after divorce or death of husband, vamwe vavo are faced with life all alone.Murume –ex haabatsiri or kana ari akashaya, hama nevamwe mostly don’t help meaningfully or at all. A single mom ane brain learns to really hustle to make ends meet and is very innovative/ industrious. Such a single mom anokubatsira as a real man kuti mubudirire nekupa tuma ideas twezvefekuita. And real men want women who are business minded and hustle. Mutoro ukatapudzanwa unoreruka chaizvo
3. A single mom ane brain ave nema definite plans and courses of action aanoda muhupenyu. She is past life iye yekuchada kutanga kuita sit down and see the basics of what she wants as opposed to what she needs. A man has less or none at all, effort yekuda kutanga aita establish kuti pfungwa dzemunhu dziri papi.
4. Single mom ane brain haachina tubrain turi extravagant and a bit myopic. If man is so lucky to meet a single mom with a brain anoziva kuti instead of kunetserwa ka pizza , kana kunzi handei kumovie p kana tubhutsu turi trending, you know nyaya dzakati wandei ndedze stand, investment, mota for convenience etc.
5. With a single mom ane brain, men do not have to be fake or to try hard to impress. You can afford to be the real you. Kana usina mari that day or that month ,or for that thing you are very free kutaura and munhu understands it.
6. A single mom ane brain asati aita zvinhu first thinks about her children. Hauone a single mom ane brain inoshanda achiswera kuti manetsana or marambana oswera kutaura pa facebook, patwitter and all that stupid behaviour. She thinks about her children first nekuti ari kuvapa image yakaita sei and restrains herself.
7. A single mom ane brain haasisina zvinharo zviye zvisina kana musoro so. Akuziva semunhu kuti not everything mumba needs kungopa your opinion. Not everything mumba needs your other side. Akuziva kutarisa beyond trivialities.
8. Pabonde chaipo kana mave mumba, a single mom knows her thing kazhinji kacho. She is most times even more advanced than the husband. Men want mukadzi anoziva zvaari. She can be “hure” remubedroom rinotaurwa riya nana mai mufundisi kuZvina kuti hanzi mukadzi wese iva h*re remurume wako mubedroom. She doesn’t pretend. She is not boring and she knows her bedroom style spices very well. The sex yake ine ka “that” so. Ka magic so. Kajuice. Kasoda.
Mike Pasi
Musi wesvondo tese kuchurch!
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