Mwaya Tear-Gas
Munogona henyu kufarisa muchitema mota dzevanhu nekuvhara maroad nematyre when demonstrating until the riot police arrives yomwaya hayo tear gas... ndopaunoona kuti nyangwe nechembere dzinomhanya musi iwoyo... even vakuru varonga demonstration yacho vanomhamya futi...
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Mwaya Tear-Gas |
Zvakadaro nepakunamata - when you kneel down to pray utori busy kumwaya tear gas in the way of the devil... satan neteam yake vanogona kufarisa zvavo vachibata marriage yako, finance dzako, hutano hwako nezvimwe but musi waunopfugama kunamata chete, kunoita noise, vanopamhanya, vanoita dzungu... nokuti every prayer is a tear gas canister that you throw against the devil... it will confuse the devil... the devil will lose sight of you.. his mission against you will fail... the devil will fail to locate you... he will retreat... chii chanetsa in your life nhai - aaah zvinongoda PRAYER chete izvi... the devil is fighting you but it's time to release the tear gas in your hands now -
NAMATA IWE... PRAY WITHOUT CEASING... VHIRINGA SATAN NEMADHIMONI AKE... "And He said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." - Mark 9:29.
Musi wesvondo tese kuchurch!
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