Apostle Sibiya Was Single And Desperate? I Needed To Get Married...FAST

Apostle Sibiya Was Single And Desperate? I Needed To Get Married...FAST

And here I was at 26. I had hoped to get married at 24 and really felt I was two years late. Ladies, do you know that even men get desperate too? Here is my story.

Apostle Sibiya Was Single And Desperate? I Needed To Get Married...FAST

So having lost a 7- year relationship that I thought would lead to marriage, I didn't know how to move on. I gave myself enough time to heal...and I did. What got me desperate was not that there were no girls out there...Ahhhh vangashaike here, munhu wese asiri mukomana handiti musikana! My problem was that I was not looking for a girlfriend. I was looking for a MOTHER OF NATIONS!

You face the same problem: it's not just about a man, not just about a woman, it's about your man, your woman, the right person who will make your destiny achievable. Believe, you,  me, sex is important but not all in the matrix of life and marriage. Hapana chinorwadza sekuroorwa nemusosro usina musoro! Hapana chinouraye sekuroora mahips mahombe nepfungwa diki! You need someone who God sets up in your life to be a destiny-shaper. At the end of life, you should be in a position to say that you are a better person because of your God-given life partner! Halleluyah! 

So, here I am at 26, full of energy and life, needing to desperately get married but I cannot find my bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and yet no one can see through my desperation! However desperation is the first sign that your time is here! Are you desperate enough for God to show up? I had to see to it that I sort my problem which I also believe, maybe one of your problems! 

Click here for Part 3: Apostle Sibiya Was Single And Desperate? My Biggest Challenge Moving On As A Single



Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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