Confessions: Ndinoimba Asi Ndairara Nemurume Wemunhu!
Yangu nyaya sezvandataura ndinoda kureurura hudiki hwangu.
I was raped handina kugona kutaura nekutya uye hudiki then my secondary level I slept with my school mate and my next door kwataigara ikoko akaita kundimanikidza futi so ndakasvika pakujaira ndikatombo danana nemurume wemunhu ndichiri kuhigh xul ikoko then uku ndiine futi boyfriend yangu yairara neni....And ndirimunhu anoda zvekunamata uye ndinoimba asi ndinoona kuti zvandisungira mablessings uye zvandivharira zvinhu zvakawanda nekuti pandinoamata ndirikunzwa ndichida kureurura asi ndichishaya wekutaura naye. Asi kuburikidza nemapost andiri kuona ndazvipira kuuya kuti ndidurure Mwari wandichenese.
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Cnfessions: Ndinoimba Asi Ndairara Nemurume Wemunhu! |
Then 5years ago ndakanga ndakaroorwa handina kugara mumba macho futi ndatova negore ndabuda murume aindirowa uye nekundi hurira then ndakatangawo kuita izvozvo then I became a shop lifter until ndabva pamurume and izvozvi zvinhu zvangu hazviusi kuchaenda nekuda kwekuti ndakatadza kuregererawo asi nhasi ndauya kuti Mwari wandichenesewo.
Kutaura zvisaka rurama pamberi paMwari
Bishop's Response: The Bible is very clear in Isaiah 1:18 that God is calling us into a talk where He is willing to wash away all our sins without any check of the gravity of the sin, anotiti kunyangwe zvakatsvuka seropa ndinozvichenesa semazaya echando. One thing that I would ask for apart from the confession is that you get to see a professional counsellor or pastor where your open the issues of rpe so that you start dealing with the trauma from the past. Also engage a marital counsellor for your marriage.
Regai tinzwe vedare kuti vanotiiwo chii?
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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