Manjuzu Testimony: Ndaingorara Nemunhu Wese-Wese But I Am Delivered
Back in high school ndakatanga kungoita amwe madreams almost twice a week ndiri mumvura. At times ndaitodzirota njuzu dzacho and I'd always wake up scared kuti ko what's happening. I remember this other dream vividly randakarota ndiri upper 6 in 2014 ndiri mumvura ndakakomberedzwa nenjuzu dzaitosvika kuma10 dzichiswimmer around me. They said something to me but I don't remember kuti dzakati chii.
Kubvira ipapa the dreams were frequent and pamwe ndairota ndichitoswimmer kana nenjuzu 1. Pamwe ndongorota ndiri mumvura alone. In reality ndakatanga kutya kutoenda kune mvura even yemuswimming pool ndaitovhunduka.
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Manjuzu Testimony: Ndaingorara Nemunhu Wese-Wese But I Am Delivered |
Fast forward marelationships angu anga akutonetsa and ndikatanga kuda varume zvisiri normal. And zvondishamisa most of the guys vaindida vanhu vaye vanga vari rich vanenge vane mari dzavo, including married men. I used to pray zvisingaite kuhigh school but since then I was praying once/twice a week kusvika ndatozomira zvekunamata zvacho. 2018 ndakazosangana nerimwe group of friends at a party I attended. Vaitamba vari vakomana hobho and a few girls. Chaindishamisa ndechekuti the girls were rich zvekutodaro, umwe wacho owned houses at the age of 25 and vamwe they were always loaded even though vaisashanda.
Takaenda tese kuclub rimwe day and tichingosvika a lady approached me from nowhere akatanga kunditi iwewe uri manjuzu but hausati wapira kunjuzu yako. She told me kuti nditenge jira rewhite and go to Durban kune rimwe rwizi so and bath mumvura yacho. Akandiudza zvakawanda but I told her to get lost coz I believe in God akatonditi nesuwo we believe in God but tiri ana manjuzu. Paakabva the guys I'd gone with kuclub iyoyo vakatotanga kunditi ehe it's true uri manjuzu hanzi takatoudzwa nemagirls emugroup ravo kuti I behaved like a manjuzu. 2 other people told me after this incident kuti tenga jira rewhite hanzi kuti ufadze njuzu yako but I never bought it. Shuwa this spirit haina kumira mushe.
Marelationships angu never lasted kudarika 5 months. Ndaitotanga ndichida munhu ndozongosvotwa and at exactly 5 months ndomuramba or kutotanga kumuignower. I always asked myself kuti what's wrong with me. Ndakapedzisira ndakusada zvemarelationship acho ndakungoita sex nemunhu wese wese. Zviya zvekuti girls rinombofungawo future richitoona ramarried ndaisaita zvese izvozvo. The thought of marriage disgusted me kuti shuwa why get married and be controlled by a man. Murelationship ndini ndaitoda kutonga and munhu akada kuita nharo ndotosvotwa. Plus I still don't know hangu if it's the manjuzu spirit raiita ndide doro zvekupenga. I was always at bars and clubs and ndaingoti ndikapinda mubhawa varume votouya pandiri offering to pay. Vamwe vaitora number yangu vaitozosvika pakundida zvekutoda kundirentera apartment chaiyo but ndaizoramba. I was always drinking and partying, apa nefodya ndaisasiya and I'd hear vamwe vakuti ehe manjuzu ndozvaanoda.
The way I was delivered from this spirit is funny. 2020 this other day ndaida kupinda mutown ndakasangana neumwe murume and he told me hanzi ndandichida kutosangana newe ndandichinzwa kuti I have to meet you muroad imomo. He said namata muskana iwewe and anga akutoenda and hameno chakaita ndimumise. Then he started telling me kuti ndine chipo chemanjuzu and I'm supposed to be rich zvisingaite. Akataura zvakawanda ndikazoenda. I then called my mom telling her zvandanga ndaudzwa and she looked for a pastor to help me. The funny thing ndakavavhunza mai vangu kuti munhu wamatsvaga haazonditorere manjuzu angu here kkkk hameno zvanga zvabva nekupi. I guess it because ndanga ndanzwa kuti chipo chacho ndechemari kkkk Havana kufara nazvo mai vangu vakanditi saka unofunga kuti ndotsvaga munhu anokukanganisa here I just want you to get help. Mukadzi wavakatsvaga uyu anonamata zvisingaite, she prayed for me October 2020. November and December zvikaita sezvakutoita worse but pakazosvika 2021 ndakabva ndakutoona change mulife mangu. Zvekurota ndiri mumvura nekungorara rara nevanhu zvikapera, kutoonawo progress shuwa. But at times I feel like hazvisati zvanyatsoenda. Hameno chii but nowadays I pray hangu. Kutomukawo ndoita mamidnight prayers and I thank God for delivering me.
I pray God turns all the plans of your enemies into blessings in your life in JESUS' NAME.
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.