Please Help Me: Mukadzi Uyu Arikuzama Kuti Kudii Kwandiri?

Please Help Me: Mukadzi Uyu Arikuzama Kuti Kudii Kwandiri?

Please help a sister who is on the page. Nhai mukadzi uyu arikuzama kuti kudii kwandiri?

Apostle kindly advise kuti wat is this munhu trying to let me know? Is she helping me or what. I'm married to my husband for 7 years. my husband cheated on me twice ndikazvibata and we have moved on. Now there is this lady who was my husband's superior at work. She always asked my cousin about my marital life,if my husband has girlfriends ,why my husband talk for long hours on the phone and yet he wont be talking to me.

Please Help Me: Mukadzi Uyu Arikuzama Kuti Kudii Kwandiri?

When my cousin told me that i just ignored it and took it in passing . previously the same lady once my husband to help her wear her earrings and he refused. Now that was yesterday she told me that I should upgrade myself and not look up to my husband because one day he is going to disappoint me. she told me that she has a lot to tell me about my husband and she said haaaaa murumeeee wako ndingongokutarisai zvenyu imi majunior muchindenderedzana nemurume but my word for you is usamude nemoyo wose 1 day achakurwadzisa chete coz haaite.

I didnt ask hubby zvangu that is why ndakubvunzai munhu waMwari. Pamagariro we laugh we quarrel we ask for each other's forgiveness and most of the times we are happy. My husband is the talkative type who easily make friends even female ones such that dzimwe nguva I put a stop to it. Inini I am reserved and don't talk a lot. the lady also told me kuti chenjera kuti imwe behavior yekuita seunodiwa stereki its coz munhu anenge asati ane mari but akaita mari hobho achakuroorera mumwe.

She told me kuti don't love him wholeheartedly. Iye she was a single mum before with 2 children from different fathers and currently she has 2 other children with a married man whom she introduce to people as her husband.

Please help me!


Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.

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