The God Of Your Fathers Will Show Up In Your Life
16/01/22, Sunday Service
Bishop Apostle P Sibiya
Exodus 3:1-
-We talked about Mephibosheth where he was dropped
-There are certain things that follow you not because you wanted but because someone dropped you.
-We are looking at the story of Moses there was greatness in him.
Every time when significant people are born there are troubles it shows greatness, some who were born in times of war, times of hunger, times of suffering.
- The devil knows where you are going so he fights you.
-Zimbabwe is being fought by the enemy because the devil understands its the bread busket not physically only but even on the body of Christ
-In these last days we have an end time mandate that the devil is fighting
-And this year devil will know that I'm anointed.
-For this cause, Moses was fought
The God Of Your Fathers Will Show Up In Your Life! |
The God Of Your Fathers Will Show Up In Your Life
God will allow certain things to happen to you for a course.
- He calls you with a private number so that you draw close to Him.
-Just like the bush that was in fire Moses was drawn close by that it was a private call from God.
-Moses went closer so that he may see what was happening, that moment the Lord calls him by his name.
-It doesn't matter the situation you are in God knows you by your name and he has numbered even the hair of your head.
-Your boyfriend, your mother whoever can't do that but God has counted and numbered every hair on your head.
-There are people who are respected by God, God is saying I'm the father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
-So God is saying I'm the God of your fathers.
-The God of your father will show up in your life whether you know him or not, thank God the God of Mose's fathers was God the almighty.
-You don't know me but I know your fathers, this is the God of his father that disrupted his life.
-Thank God this was positive, some have gods of their fathers who covenanted with them to do madlozi things,kupira kumudzimu ,zvikwambo.
-We were not born like that but it just happened, without us knowing.
-Some will appear when you want to get married and they will say no one will be married in their bloodline.
-It's the law of the fourth generation that's why you have to repent even from the sins of your fathers.
-Many are suffering from the things they do not know, you are beautiful you went to school but you don't understand what going on in your life.
-He is God who punishes the 4th generation.
-There are things that follow you even when you receive Jesus Christ, that's why you have to give everything to God, not just your leg when you are in the church be committed to love the Lord.
-There was a lady who was about to get married it's a true story and the guy's mouth was attacked and went aside they went to a sangoma and they were told it because of the spirits upon the lady she was about to marry she can't be married, so they decided not to go and the lady was not married because the god of the fathers had visited.
-Rachel was going to land where people were delivered and she was carrying the god of his father.
- On the contrary, Abraham began all this he started paying tithes
-Pay your tithes to tell your money that we worship God you are a child of Abraham by faith.
-You don't tithe because you don't believe that if you pay that 10% God will do it for you it's a faith thing.
-Hebrew11 says Abraham paid tithes for Levi when he was in his loins, Abraham never knew Levi.
-God still remembers, it affected Levi and he was blessed because of Abraham.
-In yo family there was no tithe it was a bull that was given on the alter.
-God will always remember the covenant that was done.
-In your family, the gods will also remember but in a negative way.
-But today you also made a covenant with God and you are under the anointing, no weapon formed against will prosper.
-Be ready to fight I give you the belt of the truth, the sword of the spirit may the spirit man rise.
Matthew 23:23
-God wants you to be righteous before him Jesus is saying don't just pay tithes to live a Holy life.
-Pay your tithes.
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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