Marriage Is Not, Always, A Bed Of Roses

Marriage Is Not, Always, A Bed Of Roses

Sometimes it is sweet in marriage, other times reverse is the case. It might be so bad that you regret marrying your spouse. Some people get to the point of wishing their partners death and others actually kill their partners. Please don't go this far. Remember Adam said Eve was the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh; meaning there are times the difficult moments of marriage which is like 'bone' comes and at other times, pleasurable moments which is like 'flesh' will equally come. These two moments must always come in your marriage.

Reuben Bako

Mature minds know we need both the sun and rain to survive. Dry and wet seasons are not just good for crops alone but even we humans. The mountains and valleys all have their advantages even though climbing a mountain is not an easy experience. God created all these to balance the work of his hands and the same applies to marital experience. Good and challenging moments must come no matter how hard you pray. Prayers don't stop them but provide you with the strength to always overcome.
Marriage Is Not, Always, A Bed Of Roses
Marriage Is Not, Always, A Bed Of Roses

However, no matter your current experience in marriage, know the opposite of it will come and when most especially the difficult moment comes, pls remember the good old days and know it will come again. Don't destroy your family because of the temporary challenges of today. No matter the bitter experience now, pls don't take permanent decisions because of temporary setbacks.

Many marriages crashing today never planned it to be so from the onset. It is with time a lot of negative factors such as financial crisis, the spirit of comparison and competition, attitudinal issues of one of the spouses, childlessness, infidelity, in-laws undue interference, false prophecy, the need for particular s*x especially male child, worldliness, etc have destroyed many homes.

In the true sense of it, none of the above factors should be strong enough to destroy any marriage. Never! If you are reading this writeup and your union is going through any of this or even more, please don't quit and don't kill your spouse because you are not the first to go through this and you won't be the last. You are still better than millions out there.

The remedy is to begin by talking to God about your marital crisis and then look for a confidant to talk to. There are no human problems without solutions. All challenges are surmountable. Someone was once in your shoe and came out successfully. There is always light at the end of any tunnel. Marriage is sweet and not a necessary evil. Whatever is wrong can be corrected if you adopt the right approach.

Please remember your marriage was design to succeed, so don't take anything less than it, be both committed to your marriage. Be sincere and open minded to one another, don't allow third party, resolve issues before sleeping, never allow grudges and suspicion. Avoid bottling up issues. Let your love keep burning like unquenchable fire and the God of peace shall permanently establish your home in Jesus mighty name.


Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.

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