China Chemadzibaba: Big Boys, Should She Know This?

Dear Brother

It is of benefit to you, your relationship/marriage, and your progress in life and ministry to always share your vision, plans, and goals with your fiancee/wife.

Don't hide projects from her

Carry her along

Make her feel like a PARTICIPANT in the relationship/marriage and not just a PASSENGER.
China Chemadzibaba: Big Boys, Should She Know This?
China Chemadzibaba: Big Boys, Should She Know This?

When you do this;

She'll be willing, and more able to commit to you and the vision financially, spiritually, physically and otherwise because she has seen/heard the vision.

"And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it" Habakkuk 2:2

It is the vision that is made plain that people can read

And It is people that have read the vision that will run with it

A Wife that doesn't know about your plans, how can she help you with them?

When you carry her along, she'll trust you more and as she trusts you more, she'll commit to you the more.

She'll be more considerate, understanding and economical with resources because she is fully aware of everything going on now and in future.

She'll be more strengthened to wait and bear with you in downtimes.

Her advice when you fill her in on things can help you save costs.

Of course, there're exceptions, maybe you want to surprise her for example.

But ALWAYS Keeping a Woman in the dark about your future plans is counterproductive.. Avoid it.

(c) Musa Gift

Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship

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