Here is a chat between husband and wife that shows why many ladies are forced into a shell when it comes to issues to do with bedroom life.
Bishop has a message for men: STOP IT!
[12/5, 12:00] mai: Nhasi wanga uchinaka mrume wangu, zvirambe zvakadaro mhofu yangu
[12/5, 12:01] mhofu: ah iwe hazvitaurwe izvozvo
[12/5, 12:01] mai: Nemhaka yei nhai daddy
[12/5, 12:01] mhofu: ndoda kunzi daddy nevana vangu kwete newe
[12/5, 12:01] mai: Sorry henyu
[12/5, 12:01] mhofu: eh ngazvipere
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Bishop Explodes About Chat Betwwen Husband And Wife: Varume-Ka! |
[12/5, 12:03] mhofu: iko mazuvaano urikungoita sezihure,akakuudza kut mkadzi anouya pamusoro pemurume ndiyani
[12/5, 12:03] mai: Todzidziswa kuchina
[12/5, 12:03] mhofu: kubva nhas usaendeko modzidzisiwa chihure
[12/5, 12:04] mhofu: uye handidi sikarudzy yangu inoyamwiwa,zvinoitwa nemahure kwete mkadzi wemumba
[12/5, 12:04] mai: Ehoi daddy handichazviiti
[12/5, 12:04] mhofu: handisi daddy vako
[12/5, 12:04] mai: Ehoi mhofu
[12/5, 12:05] mhofu: ini ndini ndinokutanga pabonde,handidi munhu akangwarisa zvipere
[12/5, 12:05] mai: Ehoi mhofu
[12/5, 12:05] mhofu: ukatevedzera mahure tichakonana
[12/5, 12:06] mhofu: choya chisagerwa icho
[12/5, 12:06] mhofu: uchatamba wega ukada kungwarisa
[12/5, 12:06] mai: Sorry
[12/5, 12:07] mhofu: ndave busy totaura ndauya,kutaura neni pafon kushaya basa here ndichaitengesa fon iyoyo
[12/5, 12:07] mai: Kubva nhasi handichatauri nemi pafon mhofu
[12/5, 12:07] mhofu: ehe urege kana washaya zvekuita vata,kana ndirikubasa handidi kunetswa!!!!!
Chido chopera kuti hwaaa madzimai.
Men, please allow your wives to be open to you concerning these and other issues. Mudzimai akasasununguka kwauri unoda kuti asununguke nani? Urikuda kuti audze ani kuti anonaka? Ukuda kuti akumbire ani mastaera emubedroom?
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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