P.K Diaries: Touching Preacher's Kid Testimony Every Minister Should Read NOW!

I was 7 years when my parents went into full-time ministry. My parents became everyone’s parents. Our home was a home for people from different walks of life, some came for short stays, others for longer periods of time. There was no such a thing as my bed, my bedroom, or my space, we shared everything. I remember times we would have 11 or more people living in the house. I can’t remember ever having dinner alone with my parents, we always had company.

By Anonymous Pastor's Kid

Because the ministry moved them a lot, that meant I would be in a new school every other year. Every place we went to was different so we had to learn to adjust. I mean you could be in a city school next thing you are in some remote school somewhere. You could be in a two-roomed house then next you are in this fancy one. We did not complain, we did not ask, we gladly worked nezviripo because we understand the assignment our parents had.

Our normal routine would involve greeting visitors, making countless cups of tea, I mean countless lol. The fun side of that was eavesdropping into some of these conversations and boy did we hear stories lol. Our evenings were then filled with church activities, Bible studies, crusades, conferences, choir practices, etc of which I enjoyed most times.

Depressed Preacher's Kid

There was always the pressure to lead by example in everything. I mean you cannot make a mistake, every eye was on you. You cannot be like any other child/person you are a P.K.

Having different ones living with us came with its share of joys and pains. For me personally, it was more pain than joys. It came with memories that left wounds and scars that only God could heal. It was in those times I had different ones sexually abuse me. I have memories of a woman touching me every night sexually, young confused me didn’t know what was happening, we had to share blankets or the times I would be forced to perform sexual acts over a course of months in my own father's house. Who would I tell? My parents are busy doing the work of the Lord. Who would believe me that the orphan Brother taken in is forcing himself on me almost every night? After a while, you stop fighting and you numb yourself till it’s over. Gradually you become withdrawn and shelled but then it’s concluded you are like that because you are not praying & fasting enough. You are then singing in the choir etc but inside you are crying for help but no one is listening or paying any attention. Eventually, you opt to take your life because you can’t take it any longer but who is there to listen because now you are allowing Satan to use you.

Many years later I found myself less trusting of people. For a good while, being intimate with my husband was difficult, thank God for his love and patience. My healing took years and is still a process, some of my experiences I could only share with my Mum very recent. I promised myself for my children’s sake my home is their private space and I will protect it at all cost.

I strongly believe what has kept me believing in this God (otherwise I would have turned Atheist lol) is the fact that at some point I was privileged to see the hand of God during the ministry of my parents. I witnessed different ones being delivered, deaf ears open, I saw families healed and restored. I have memories of the Holy Spirit moving to where no one could stand because God's glory covered the room and those are the memories my heart still longs for till today and I will forever cherish.

Bishop's Response: Being a pastor myself, for the past 26 years, I have nothing more to say than, "I am so sorry to all the families that we have left open to the devil's attacks as we pushed to fulfill our mandate in God's kingdom. Now we know, it is God first, family second, and ministry later!"

Pastor's and their families, what is your COMMENT?

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Have a wonderful and blessed day. Amen

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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