A lady doctor had a vision of me when I went into her treatment room. She did not even know me. This was around 2001.
She said that she saw me like Moses on Mount Nebo fighting. As long as Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed; but when he lowered them, Amalek prevailed. When Moses’ hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on each side so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down (Exodus 17:11-12).
By Bishop Pride Sibiya
She said that the Holy Spirit had shown her that I was being a lone ranger in the work of the ministry. She said this opened me to many spiritual attacks that caused my sickness. The solution was that I need two critical bits of help in my life: anointed administrators, and intercessors that would stand by me. Of recent, I visited Archbishops Ezekiel and Eunor Guti at their home. As they prayed and prophesied over me, they reiterated the need for people who pray for me and mama.
By Bishop Pride Sibiya
She said that the Holy Spirit had shown her that I was being a lone ranger in the work of the ministry. She said this opened me to many spiritual attacks that caused my sickness. The solution was that I need two critical bits of help in my life: anointed administrators, and intercessors that would stand by me. Of recent, I visited Archbishops Ezekiel and Eunor Guti at their home. As they prayed and prophesied over me, they reiterated the need for people who pray for me and mama.
These are servants of God who have been prayed for fervently and we see the power of those prayers. Hakuna mwana wekuZ.A.O.G.A anonamata asinganamatire muranda waMwari! Ndinamatireiwo! Mwari simbisai muranda wenyu, paanofamba, paanomira musimbisei, muranda wenyu!
I need wisdom, understanding and knowledge to, lead the church. I also need protection and your prayers will preserve me and the family God has given me. This is crucial because leadership is important in God’s plan. The anointing oil runs from the head (leader) downwards (Psalm 133:2). What will happen if your head has no oil? Ko, have you ever thought of the effect it would have on the church if today we all hear that Bishop Sibiya has backslidden and drinking? Divorced?
The devil is against leadership: “strike the shepherd and scatter the flock” is the principle. Some think that I am a super-human, an angel or a celestial being but I am not. I am human with challenges and temptations just like, and even greater than yours, as a leader. Let me be frank with you dear son/daughter: as long as I am in this body I am not immune from sin but your prayers keep me from straying from God. Demonic spirits have continually confessed to trying to kill me and I need your prayers. I like what my predecessor Apostle Paul says to you:
“I urge you brother by our Lord Jesus Christ to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me (Romans 15:30 c.f Ephesians 6:19-20)
When you see a certain weakness in me or any leader (or any Christian), please pray about it. Talking about it only spreads gossip (not gospel) and this will affect the church. Also, fast for the leaders and me. Ask God to bless and prosper your leaders.
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MaGiroriyah: Pray For Your Bishop |
I need wisdom, understanding and knowledge to, lead the church. I also need protection and your prayers will preserve me and the family God has given me. This is crucial because leadership is important in God’s plan. The anointing oil runs from the head (leader) downwards (Psalm 133:2). What will happen if your head has no oil? Ko, have you ever thought of the effect it would have on the church if today we all hear that Bishop Sibiya has backslidden and drinking? Divorced?
The devil is against leadership: “strike the shepherd and scatter the flock” is the principle. Some think that I am a super-human, an angel or a celestial being but I am not. I am human with challenges and temptations just like, and even greater than yours, as a leader. Let me be frank with you dear son/daughter: as long as I am in this body I am not immune from sin but your prayers keep me from straying from God. Demonic spirits have continually confessed to trying to kill me and I need your prayers. I like what my predecessor Apostle Paul says to you:
“I urge you brother by our Lord Jesus Christ to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me (Romans 15:30 c.f Ephesians 6:19-20)
When you see a certain weakness in me or any leader (or any Christian), please pray about it. Talking about it only spreads gossip (not gospel) and this will affect the church. Also, fast for the leaders and me. Ask God to bless and prosper your leaders.
In every official meeting of the church be it, cell groups, choir, praise, business meeting, boys and girls meeting or church services the first prayers should be done dedicated to praying for God’s servant and his family. As I prosper in anything the same oil flows towards you. Do not let the devil whisper, “who is he who wants everyone to pray for him?” Well, I am God’s servant and the Bible commands us to render therefore to all their dues:
“Tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom: fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour” (Romans 13:7)
Another simple way of constantly praying for the man of God and his family is making sure that every time you pray for your food include me also, ndozvatinoita maGiroriyah! For years when I pray for my food I include, “…bless baba and mama Gurupira, baba namai Guti...” This way I never cease to make mention of my spiritual parents in prayer.
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:19).
God bless you.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.