Nyaya YeFoni Iyi!
Iyo foni ichanditadzisa kupinda denga muzvokwadi…Tisati tarara tinoita make sure yarara iine moto, ende ndo last thing yatinorara takabata. Kana kusina magetsi tinotomuka 12 midnight kut tiise pa chargeMakuseni ndiyo first thing kubata kuti tione ma app e.t.c. . Asi kuti ndifunge kurara ndaita prayer uye ndimuke 12 midnight ndichinamata hatizvifunge uye hatigone.
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Nyaya YeFoni Iyi! |
Iwo manakiro akaita ma foni atinoshandisa dzimwe dzichidarika $100 vamwe dzinodarika $1000 chaiyo, but bible hapana kana anaro, aneriya re $5 rekutenga mu street rine ma errors .ko sei pama foni tichiita dzekunyurura mumashop chaiwo asi , bible mustreet.
Iyo cover ye foni maihwi kuyevedza asi chiona Bible rako zvarakaita kubvaruka bvaruka so many missing pages. Patinomuka we see more than 200 messages on app ende tinodziverenga dzese but bible rine ma massages asingaverengeki kut mangani asi sei hama tisingagone kana kuverenga even 1 verse pazuva.
Hanzi naBishop Pride Sibiya, "unoita 3 mapassword pafoni yako asi hauna kana password pamakumbo or pazip yako?"
Foni ndikaisiya kumba ndotoona kut ndadzokera kunoitora, asi bible ndinoti ndinozvionera mberi nevamwe. Nyaya iyi ngaikubate mudikani, foni here yakanaka kuvanayo, asi lets learn to put God first. He is good and loves u all time . Please stay blessed.
Pasina iye Mwari dai usina foni yacho kana iwe usipowo. Tisavarairwe nefoni kudarika Mwari.
Bishop Pride Sibiya loves you and is praying for you!
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offence). The views shared in this article may not necessarily be the same as those of the brand.