Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!


This is one Testimony I wanted to share when I'm Married but the Lord has impressed it on me to share it now. To the Glory of God I will share the Testimony I've been Postponing for years because of Fear of being misjudged, misunderstood etc.

By Zukiswa Joyi

Page: Chabod Restoration Channel

So I gave my life to Jesus Christ at the age of 16 while attending Umkhosi woMhlanga (The Royal Reed Dance) as I grew up in KwaZulu-Natal.

I got saved in a Tent crusade then started attending Full Gospel church in Inanda where I used to stay with my mother. And boy, fornication was an abomination there, they taught sexual purity and instilled the fear of God in you by all means possible.
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!

We later moved with my mum, as we kept moving, we kept being in different churches /ministries, because when we moved, we had to find a new church. I got to some ministries where lots of youth were even dating which was unheard of where I got my foundation in Full Gospel, this was new to me, some were even fornicating and the message of sexual purity wasn't much preached on those churches.

Anyway, I also quickly adapted myself started some secret relationships too, started kissing, romance e.t.c, but afterwards I felt the Spirit of God leaving me, I felt empty, I didn't feel God's peace at all, then I would stay away and then I would find myself in another compromising relationship where kissing, masturbation happened, I would do everything with this boyfriend besides allowing him to penetrate me because it was engraved in my mind that penetration was for my husband .

(That's what the mama's on the Royal Reed Dance taught us, that you can allow your man to do what is called Ukusoma in Zulu (I'd call it foreplay) besides penetration well they were teaching us worldly wisdom but not God's wisdom , I slowly started looking at some pornography and indulging in masturbation and I knew the Holy spirit was very grieved by all these. Now being a praise and worship leader this truly affected me, and my church ministry, because I knew each time I did this, I felt naked, I felt God's glory leaving me. The Lord rebuked me and said I was wise in my own eyes. Well I went on different fastings, repenting and pleading with the Spirit of God for Mercy.

Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!

Well by God's Grace I never got to the point of being deeply addicted, as God's fear in me was alive, hence I found myself walking in sexual purity for 3 Months and fall 2 weeks and rise and walk for 5/7 months and fall again, until I took some strict measures pertaining to dating/relationships.

So I was like I'm not visiting any brother again, I ain't spending any time behind closed doors with the opposite sex, and it worked very well until the enemy introduced online dating to me hehehe, then I went back to square one, you know mos, sending each other pictures of things that should be kept private, and of coz masturbation follows, I would plead with this online boyfriend of mine and say let's stop this my spirit is not at peace. He was A Pastor and I'd ask myself what kind of Pastor feels no remorse for sinning, and The Lord would be like I didn't say you'd know them by their titles but you shall know them by their fruits (character). The Holy Spirit started warning again, and I had to let go, went back to prayer and pleading for God's mercy again.

Well the Lord helped me. I know my boundaries now both offline and online lol, thank God.

So the Lord has been talking to me about starting an online /offline program to restore sexual purity and holiness in the youth and to restore the fear of God, to raise an End-Time Army of Priest and Kings because strange things are happening in the Altar. God wants to restore his Glory so he can move to awaken the church for the End Time revival as we prepare for the second Coming of Jesus Christ.

God is Holy and he cannot move freely in filth.
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!
Not Perfect, Just Forgiven: 31 Year-Old Virgin!

I kept giving God excuses like God, there's so many sexual purity groups already, I'll just join the existing ones, The Lord said I have people I have called you to, I had fear the Enemy said to me what if you Preach sexual purity and save others and then end up falling yourself? Hehehe I entertained that Thought which is why I kept saying God let me do this when I'm married lol, The Lord said No, you doing it now. It is not by might or by strength but it is by the spirit of the Living God.

So if you wanna be restored to your first love for God and to walk in sexual purity and be with people who would pray for and with you, virgin or not, I encourage you to join this movement. Big Rhema, and Prophecies will not help you if you moving in immorality, Jesus Christ is coming back for a Spotless Bride.

I will be working with a few people who are also exercising Sexual purity and are TRANSPARENT as well, that's our code. Anyway all that's hidden now will be revealed, it's better to reveal everything now.

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