China NaAunty Rhoda: Kutsvaira Mumba SeMudzimai Akasvinura

Cleanliness - mumba ngamutsvairwe muchichena especially bedroom nekuti ndoimba yekuzorora.

Keep sta~soft satchets in the wadrobe it makes a good scent.

After making up your bed place 2-3 satchets of sta~soft mukati imomo then wozoburitsa manheru makurara it brings a wonderful scent.

Another secret, in the morning wapedza kuwaridza bed and switch off lights take your favourite perfume wosprayer pa light bulb RAKADZIMA PLEASE NDAPOTA UNOSPRAYER RAKADZIMA then leave it hako manheru paya when you switch on the light mumba mese munotanga kunhuwira perfume iyoyo yawasprayer pabulb tryry this you will like it.
China NaAunty Rhoda: Kutsvaira Mumba SeMudzimai Akasvinura
China NaAunty Rhoda: Kutsvaira Mumba SeMudzimai Akasvinura

You can put powder mumapillow case kuti anhuwirewo.

Vinegar is a very essential thing mumba usashaye vinegar because it cleanes all glassware kuchena kuti weke kukunda windoline, mawater glass and all glass table just wipe ne vinegar anochena.

Kana uchibika zvinoburitsa smell like zvemukati memombe or fish just pour some vinegar mukandiro or cup wogadzika chero mukitchen imomo haufe wakaona nhunzi ichiuya.

Dzidzai kukorobha ne mvura ine sipo kuti chikorobho chisasemese please, chikorobho chenyu chinototiradza zvese zviri mumba menyu.

Pakubika zivaiwo kumarinata nyama, just keep your marinates kuti nyama inakewo. Mamarinates anoita pa fish ndiwo futi anoita pa chicken or pork because ese mawhite meats.

Dzidzai kumona sadza nemusika kupwanya mapundu ese then wozotora mugoti zvatoita, you must mona sadza until rakuita kunge elastic so ndokuti ranzwa mugoti raibva, also learn kuseta table as well even how to pakura because food looks appertising kana chakapakurwa zvakanaka. Musangosetter table nokuti kwauya pastor or veni but ngaingova ordinary life pamba penyu.

Clean your toilets madzimai after wapedza kucleaner isa tu harpic pawindow seal wotupukutira ipapo mhepo ichirova hayo that smell ye harpic inenge ichingonhuwira mutoilet, even to wipe the toilet seat neharpic munonhuwira futi.

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