Asi Hakuna Mwari?

Is there not a God in Israel - Mwana kana akaenda kunokwata kumaraini one of the questions yandinomubvunzandeye kuti zvawaenda kunodya kumaraini wanga washaya chikafu here pano. 

Food yakazara but woenda kunokwata in a strangers home? Ipapo shamhu inoshanda basa rayo.

Kana ukaona mwana wako achienda pa-next door kunokumbira baba vepo mari yeschool fees but iye asina kubvira akumbira kunewe then that means something is wrong, mari unayo yekubhadharira mwana fees and everything is ok pamba but wonzwa kuti mwana aenda kunokumbira pocket money kune baba vepanext. 

Kana wonzwa kuti mukadzi wako aenda kunokumbira salt kumaneighbours but imo mumba muine salt, it might be a sign of rebellion, kupanduka kwemhuri kuda kutaridza muridzi wemusha kuti zvepano hatichada. And kana uri baba ari right right you will investigate kuti chii chakonzera kudaro and wogadzirisa izvozvo kana zvichigadzirisika.

Mwari watinonamata is a jealous God, ndiiMwari vane shanje, sekutaura kwavanoita pana Exodus 20 in the 10 commandments. havadi kutiona tichienda kumaNext door kunokumbira pocket money but ivo vachikwanisa kutipa mari yacho, havadi kutiona tichipoya tichienda kumaraini kunokumbira salt but imo mumba mumba muine salt. 

Ndinoreva kuti Mwari havadi kutiona tichienda kuna satan to seek any assistance from him. Kutsvaga rubatsiro kuna satan is a clear sign of rebelion, satan mupanduki and kutsvaga zvinhu kwaari kutaridza kuti you depend on him, surely how can you depend on the enemy of God.

In this sermon tine murume watiri kuda kubata nezvake anonzi Ahaziah, this man akapoya achienda kwasatan kunotsvaga rubatsiro but achisiya Mwari, mubvunzo woti iwo is there not a God in Israel, hakuna Mwari here kuIsrael zvaunoenda kunotsvaga rubatsiro kubva kuna Satan.

Zvaunoenda kunokwata kumba kwasatan ko kumba kwaBaba vedu Mwari wanga usina kupihwa kudya here?
Asi Hakuna Mwari?
Asi Hakuna Mwari?
Many times vamwe varikutsvaga rubatsiro in the wrong areas, they are trying to seek refuge in the devil's territory, manje shoko robvunza kuti ko pauri Mwari havapo here zvaunoenda to other places to look for help.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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