Wisdom: Not Everything Deserves Your Reaction

An elephant took a bath in a river and was walking on the road. When it neared a bridge, it saw a wild pig, a warthog, fully soaked in mud coming from the opposite direction.

The elephant quietly moves to one side, allowed the dirty pig to pass, and then continued its journey.

The unclean pig later spoke to its friends in arrogance "see how big I'm, even the elephant was afraid of me and moved to one side to let me pass.

On hearing this, some elephants got angry and asked their friends the reason for its action, if it was truly out of fear?
Wisdom: Not Everything Deserves Your Reaction
Wisdom: Not Everything Deserves Your Reaction

The elephant smiled and replied, I could have crushed the pig under my leg but I'm too clean and the pig is too dirty, by crushing it with my leg would be dirty and I want to avoid joining the dirty Pig family, hence, I move aside.

Do not throw a stone at every dog that bark, some are born with negativity, avoid having issues with them, avoid contact with negativity not out of fear but out of the desire to keep away from unnecessary drama.

To keep your vision straight, you must avoid noisy, dirty, and cursed pigs around, when you wrestle with the pig, you end up in the Mud.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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