Life is not a bed of roses. Ups and downs are part of life. Everyone experiences different emotions while going through different phases of life; happiness and unhappiness.
Even though there are many ways one can find harmony in, prayer is the best one of there because it gets you connected with your spiritual side. Prayers, when times are hard, can do wonders in bringing hope and peace back into one’s life.
We respect all religions! Below prayers serve as a reference that you can use in context with your religious terms. In every challenging situation, it is important to hold on to your faith and believe that you can go through what you are facing.
1. A Prayer for Faith to Believe:
Dear God, I know whatever is going on in my life is Your plan. I know You are the best planner and whatever You are doing is in my best interest. My lord, give me the strength to believe and trust in Your plans. I need supernatural help with this! Fill me afresh with a strong sense of Your presence and Your peace. Help me to remember the great things You have done.
2. A Prayer for Soul Healing:
My lord, I do believe in Your tremendous strength and on Your mighty powers. I beg for Your powers of healing poor souls. Dear God heal my soul from all the wounds that are hurting me deep inside. You don’t berate me for my blunders or belittle me for my weakness. You meet me in those places and make me strong. Please God bound my wounds so they can heal. Make me strong. You are God Most High.
3. A Prayer to Ease Pain:
Precious Lord, You never put a burden on the soul that a soul cannot bear. You better know about my sufferings and adversity. I marvel at how often my thoughts take me downward. But like an eagle that soars in the sky, You call me to set my sights on things above. My Lord, after all, I am human and get distracted. My Merciful God, ease my pain and reduce my suffering. I am desperately looking for your help.
4. A Prayer Against Depression:
15 Healing Prayers to Heal your Body, Mind and Spirit! |
Dear Lord, help me to get out of all the frustration, anxiety, depression, fatigue and bitterness. Give me a belief to trust in your plans. Let me hear your voice and accept your guidance. Make me feel utterly humbled by the hardness of circumstances and depleted of the ability to fix it. I need peace, calmness, and serenity in my life which helps me to enjoy all the blessings you have a shower on me.
5. A Prayer to Gain Strength:
My Lord, bless me with the strength. Dispel my fear and anxiety. Increase my source of strength. I need you in my misery. Please walk beside me through this day. Clear the heavy air with the lightness of Your Presence. I need Your help, dear God. You planted the seed. You nourish me. Shelter me now from the elements that stand in my way. Help me grow. Give me the strength to withstand the harshness of the world.
6. A Prayer for a Fresh Vision:
My Lord, You always helped me in every thick and thin. I marvel at the way You love me from immaturity to maturity, from brokenness to wholeness. I know I am not perfect. At times I questioned my faith but You always guided me. You enlightened my path in the darkness. Dear Lord, give me a vision that helps me to move forward with your divine powers. You are powerful and gracious. You see what I cannot. I urge you to give me a vision that rises me high.
7. A Prayer for a Miracle:
Dear God, You know what I am worried about. You know I can’t stop thinking about everything. I am stressed, unsettled and worried about what will happen. Please take control of this situation. I am anxiously looking for a miracle to happen. Which turn all the storm out in my favor. God nothing is impossible for you. I know this and I believe this. I need you to come and do this impossible in this situation right now.
8. A Prayer to Get Through Stressful Times:
Dear God, I put all my fears, anxieties, and burdens in Your Hand. I trust your plans. I take my hands off every problem, every situation that I am trying to fix my own. I don’t have the power to fix things for myself. I have realized my all problems are because of thought to fix things by own. Now I am leaving everything in your hands to get away from these stressful times. Please hear my plea.
9. A Prayer for Protection:
My lord, I pray to save me from all the evils. The evils that come to steal kill and destroy. You are merciful. I beg Your mercy. I am looking for protection from sickness. The failing health which makes me fragile and weak. I pray to You for good health. I ask for protection from natural calamity. Calamities which destroy human lives and wipe them out from the earth. Please Lord save me from any severe circumstances.
10. Prayer for Self-Care:
Dear God, I am well aware of my weaknesses. I am also aware of Your powers. Lift me for Your blessings today. I pray that you will anoint me with strength and self-care. I pray that you will grace me with patience and wisdom. amidst the hustle and bustle of our everyday life, I forget about myself. But I know You remember me all day. You reach your hand for me. Keep your blessing on me, My Lord.
11. A Prayer for Serenity:
I thank You for being with me through thick and thin, in the best of times and in the most challenging times. You are my rock, my fortress, my everything. With You, I discover complete serenity. You never forsake me. You were with me at the start, and You will be with me at the end. Until then, we carry on knowing the difference between achievable goals and futile efforts. please keep Your blessings on me.
12. A Prayer for a Breakthrough:
Dear Lord, I have trust in Your plans. Show me how to rest right in the middle of the storm. I ask for You a fresh vision for what breakthrough will look like in my life. Help me to pursue healing while I wait for a miracle. Fill me afresh with the wonder of Your love and power. I ask for your help to discern when to rest and how to actively engage my faith as I wait for You to breakthrough.
13. A Prayer for Gratitude:
Loving Lord, thank you for being my refuge and my strength. Thank you that no matter what the circumstances, I count on you that You shelter me and give me strength. Thank you for being with me everywhere and in every situation. Thank you for showing me my worthiness and for pursuing me. You are with me even though my belief weakness upon You. You never let me alone. Thank you for your plans for my life.
14. A Prayer for Motivation:
I know my Lord, there is no storm that You won’t carry me through. No bridge that You won’t help me to cross. No battle that you won’t help me to win. No heartache that God let me go through. You are bigger than anything. I leave everything in your hands. I ask for motivation and strength. You know I struggled with my insecurities. I ask You to rewire my mind.
15. A Prayer for Kindness:
My lord, I ask for Your kindness. The way You are kind to your little creatures. My lord helps me grow in faith and hope each day. I pray against every spirit of blockage and barriers. Break every barrier that blocks me from being close to you. Remove it, Lord, I curse out every evil spirit in my life that attempts to hinder my blessings. Hold me close to your grace and shower Your countless blessings on me in every moment.
Summary: Life can become even harder and hopeless when one doesn’t have the rope of prayer and hope to hold on to. The belief in God gives strength, hope, courage, and motivation to face all the challenges of life. In the time of distress, only prayers are the way to find comfort.
The more you understand yourself, the more silence there is, the healthier you are. —Maxime Lagacé