The 3 Gs Against Ministers
As we enter ministry there is a need for us to be reasonably above these few challenges that have destroyed such potential in the body of Christ. 1 John 2:15-16 Love not the world. The 3 major things are:
Girls/Guys- the lust of the eyes...Eve saw that it is good to look at...The devil showed Jesus.
Gold-The lust of the flesh...good to eat...Turn these stones into bread
Glory-The pride of life...Eve knew it would bring wisdom...Throw yourself from the pinnacle, angels will hold you
By Bishop Pride Sibiya
1. Everyone has things that appeal to them 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4
· The opposite sex is a great temptation and as of these recent days, even the same sex is now a big temptation.
· Men and women of God are falling because of this.
· If you are not married self-control is ideal.
· If you are married make sure that your marriage is well oiled. You should also have self-control.
· Make sure you have attention and affection to one another, respect, and honor. Make sure the bedroom is also spiced up. Don’t just have foreplay or sex like people from the 1st century, but at the same time do not do satanic things.
· Be in the know about differences in age and how that affects the sex drive.
· Don’t mock those who have fallen by this sin 1 Corinthians 10:11-12
· Don’t allow everyyone to lay hands on you 1 Timothy 5:22
· Don’t allow your eyes to wander freely and carelessly
· Don’t get into ministry with the play-boy philosophy
· Don’t walk around/drive around with girls/boys without anyone else.
· Don’t touch the sensitive parts of other people or pray for them sensitively
· Don’t call the opposite sex after hours.
· When the temptation is too much never gather guts to speak to the person you are attracted to
· Don’t continue in porn whether visual, audio or verbal
· Lose your power to sexually appeal to people except for your spouse
· Get into ministry knowing that any other lady is either a mother, sister, or daughter. 1 Timothy 5:1-3
· Cut off communications with previous loves.
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The 3 Gs Against Gospel Ministers |
2. Gold/Balaam-ism/Simeon-ism
The world revolves around money. It is the answer to all things. Money represents the character (it reveals someone’s character), the strength (the sweat) of someone. Apart from a spouse, this is one of the greatest reasons for the disintegration of relationships. Even in Church, when you mention the money you tend to lose some. Before you enter ministry make sure you have the right motivation: money should never be one of it ever (1 Timothy 6:10). We need to know that we were called not to make money but souls! As we do the will of God money will come. However, you cannot buy (Simeon, Acts 8:20) or sell (freely you were given, freely give) grace at a monetary reward.
· Start ministry or get into it for money
· Think that the church is your personal property
· Personally handle or keep the church funds.
· Defraud people off their money
· Exchange the will of God for money 2 Peter 2:15-18
· Direct church funds into your personal account
· Expect too much from Church or you will give up pretty soon
· Be lazy. When the Church is small it cannot take care of you! Do something! 1 Thessalonians 3:6-12, 2 Timothy 2:15-16,
· Manage church funds(to manage and to handle are different)
· The use of money must be regulated by others other than the pastor
· The use of money must be transparent. We are handling trust funds and the government is interested in how we use this money, moreso God is interested. Put up periodic reports and audits. Those who abuse money must be reported to the police if they have not admitted their faults before church committees.
· Have a committee that is able to ask you how you are handling money and church property without any
· Budget your own money and use your money by the plan. W.M Brahnam was a great man but he failed dismally in this area and despite his success in prophecy he died poor.
Always remember that the only thing that can compete with God for His worship is not the devil but money. Be careful that you may worship money Matthew 6: 24.
3. Glory
This is the greatest of all the challenges yet because it is so subtle. Every time the Bible gives 3 dimensions, the third is always the most powerful. It is not easily noticeable. It needs discernment to take note of it because there may be a thin line between it and godly ambition. It is the sin that single-handedly destroyed Lucifer (Isaiah 14:9-18). The Bible tells us that:
· Pride goes before a fall
· Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up
· God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
2 Timothy 2:24, teachable spirit is one of the things that we desire. Pride will lead you to think:
· I am better than everyone/ him Jude 8-10
· I can do better than this
· I can’t be under her/ this young fellow/uneducated fellow
· I could lead better
· I will never fall the way he did
· I can never clean a toilet
· I am too rich to do that(1 Timothy 6:18)
· Don’t live a life of ungodly competition Phillipians 1:15, 1 Timothy 2:24
· Don’t live a showy-life (Matthew 6:16)
Do you agree? Talk to me in the comments below!
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
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