1. Anoziva zvinodiwa nemurume wenyu imi hamuzvizive. Many of these study your partner very fast and capitalise on doing best what they like.
2. Ma small house haakiye bonde imi munopedza week makatsamwa. Because they have nothing to lose, they go all the way for your spouse. Even padressing, they dress seductively for your spouse. Unoona your 28 year partner achirwera chembere ine 50 but inoziva zvinofitana nemuviri wayo. Mari kune vanogeza!
3. Ma small house anoita respect (yekunyepera hayo) achida kudya mari yababa. Unonzwa voti daddy mageza here? Usabatae murume se"sewage" kune vanogona kunyepera kunze uko!
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
4. Ndokuisirayi kanyama mu oven here kana munoda cold drink. Imi munonongedzera kune sadza. Musdaro askana!
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Seiko MaSide-Chick Achiita Kunge Ane Upper-Hand? |
5. Munobika matemba ekupfidzisa murume asi muriwo urimo. Kwesmall-house anobikirwa nyama yakauya nechimwe chikomba!
6. Ma small house anocheka murume wenyu nzwara, vopukutwa vabva kunogeza ,voiswa baby powder pakati pezvigunwe. Imi munoti seberayi muri kundimara nenzwarwa dzenyu. Don't make that mistake.
ON THE OTHER HAND...while women (and men too) must improve, isuwo varume let us face reality. Cheating has no acceptable excuse! Chakonzeresa masmall house is kuti varume nevakadzi tatendera Satani mumisha yedu.
Varume whether mukadzi anatsa or agona the ultimate decision is yours. Kana uchida kuzvibata woregedza small house you can...kana uchida kuita small house nyangwe mukadzi akanaka sei or achinatsa sei unongoita! But varume takuvadza nyika...takuvadza mhuri...takuvadza moyo yemadzimai edu...takuvadza mweya yedu...takuvadza chimiro chedu!
Men let us men-up! A real man is a man who can control his emotions, not whose direction is determined by his erection! Apostle Sibiya vanoti, ngatizvibatei tichikumbira kunaMwari tive vana vanababa vakanaka...NGATIFUNGEI NEMUSORO MUHOMBE KWETE NEMUSORO MUDIKI. Self-control is the way to go! THE FACT THAT YOUR WIFE HAS WEAKNESSES DOES NOT JUSTIFY CHEATING!
Chete kuva murume akanaka or mukadzi akanaka kunotanga nekugashira Jesu saIshe naMambo weupenyu hwako. Do it now: "Lord Jesus come into my heart and be Lord and Savior of my life." Let us launch spiritual warfare against the spirits of lust and cheating!
Paweekend kuChurch tese...PASI NEMASMALL HOUSE!
Do you agree? Talk to me in the comments below!
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
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