Men Cry, Yes, But Silently


A broke man is mocked in the world hence feels unworthy and unmarriageable,

A poor man is mocked in the world hence feels sad and unwanted in the world,

A jobless man feels unlucky in the world,

A man who earns little money/income feels ineligible,

A struggling man feels less handsome and unfit,

And a retrenched man feels suicidal.

Nothing HURTS A MAN more than when he can't provide financially for his family, or when he is in love with a woman but he is broke hence unable to meet her financial needs.
Men Cry, Yes, But Silently
Men Cry, Yes, But Silently

If you are JOBLESS: Do something that can give you daily bread as you wait patiently for bigger things,

If you LOST YOUR JOB/BUSINESS during this coronavirus pandemic: Do not commit suicide, seek counseling from a professional counselor.

If you were DUMPED BY SHE/HE(the only one) YOU LOVED SINCERELY AND DEEPER by whole of your heart because of being broke, jobless, earning little or after losing your job etc: Work on yourself, seek counseling, pray and believe in God for a better and best replacement than what you lost. The same God who paid Job twice/double than what he had lost is still sitting on the throne in heaven. He/she was not meant for you. God will never leave you empty. Your Godsend woman/man will come at God's own timing and he/she will never leave you no matter what. A good wife and a good husband comes from God.

If you are EARNING LITTLE/PEANUTS: Don't be bothered by those who mock you and despise you. Step by step, you will make it in life. Ignore those who laugh at your problems. They will never feed you or make you rich. Believe in God and keep hustling!


May God uplift jobless men and any man who is struggling to provide for his family plus those who lost their jobs/businesses during this coronavirus pandemic.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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