Greetings great one. What is a leader? In this short article, I will try to show what or rather who a leader is.
Bishop Pride Sibiya |
Someone once said that a leader is someone who has followers. He is someone whom you will follow to a place you could not go alone and a person who will influence people to achieve a purpose.
Katherine Rea says that a leader is one who guides or directs the opinions of others by going in front. The problem here is that, the Christian leader should not just be a director since all people are gifted and must be innovative.
J.E Haggai thinks that leadership is the discipline of deliberately exerting influence within a group to move it towards a goal, while Phineas Dube says that a leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself. The leader should know the way, keep to the front and must encourage others to follow. For him a leader must keep to his knees, in much the same way he should continually on the run: reading, researching, and developing himself.
However, for me, though the above are all true, I find John Maxwell’s description of a leader more appealing to me. He defines leadership as influence. Taking away the moral issues, he sees it as the ability to obtain followers. For him, Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones, Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy are all leaders. While their value system and management abilities were very different, each had followers! I will from now on annunciate more on Maxwell’s views and mine too.
Position or influence? This issue is one of the most important issues I have learnt so far. If misunderstood, leaders will fail from the onset. Most people see leadership as the ability to achieve a position and not followers. They try to achieve the next rank thinking by that rank they become a leader. It’s important to know that it is possible to achieve a rank and still be no leader. This is why, according to Maxwell, those with the “status” of leader often experience the frustration of few followers. Did you think by being appointed people would naturally and automatically respect you? It never works that way, you must have an influence over them so that they see you as their leader. Leadership is never given by the words of appointment; it is achieved by consistently influencing people positively. It is he is important for the new leader to know on what level of leadership.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
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Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
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