Present & future wives take note:
1. Dzimba nepfuma inhaka inobva kumadzibaba; Asi mukadzi akangwara anobva kuna Jehova (Proverbs 19v14). Akakuroora kana kuti achakuroora angagutsikane here kuti uri mukadzi waakapiwa naJehova. Shuwa kana Jehova achipa munhu mudzimai, anopa vakaita sewe here?
2. Mukadzi mumwe nomumwe akachenjera anovaka imba yake; asi benzi rinoiputsa nemaoko aro (Proverbs 14v1). Its very easy to blame husband, vamwene, relatives or even the devil when things go wrong. But zvine ungwaru to do self-examination & see kuti are u not the biggest contributor to yo own misery & downfall.
3. Zvirinani kugara pakona redenga, Panekugara muimba imwe nomukadzi unokakavara. Zvirinani kugara murenje, Panekugara nomukadzi unokakavara nounonetsa (Proverbs 21v9,19). This verse is not telling yo husband to leave home. Rather, its telling u the wife some of the reasons that may make it hard for him to stay at home. Hanzi kurenje kunopisa, kusina mvura, kune zvikara nenyoka kungava nani pane mumba mune mukadzi ane nharo.
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Present And Future Wives, Huyai Titaure! |
4. Ndianiko ungawana mukadzi unoita zvakanaka? Nokuti mutengo wake unokunda kwazvo mutengo wamaparera (Proverbs 31v10). Verse iyi iri kutoisa pachena kuti hazvisi nyore to find a wife anoita zvakanaka. It means kuti madzimai mazhinji acho anoita zvakashata. Rate yoself honestly; are you one of the few who can be singled out kuti they are 'virtuous'? How do you measure that?
5. Anoitira murume wake zvakanaka, haamuitiri zvakaipa mazuva ose oupenyu hwake (Prov 31v12). There u are. Thats what God is saying. Have u ever really tried to please your husband? Or you listen to those who say 'anozojaira'?
6. Imi vakadzi muzviise pasi pevarume venyu chaivo, sezvamunoita kunaShe (Ephesians 5v22). The true test of a Christian wife is in her total submission to 'her own' husband.' Kune vakadzi vari very good at showing respect kuvarume vasiri vavo, while ill-treating their own husbands . Bible rati, kuzvininipisa kwamunoita kunaShe, ndiko itaiwo kuvarume venyu. Kana uchigona kupopotera Jesu, kana kupindura asati apedza kutaura, kana kumushora nekumuratidza kuti haafunge, then do the same to your husband.
7. Murume ngaape mukadzi zvakafanira; nemukadzi ngaadarowo kumurume. Mukadzi haana simba pamusoro pomuviri wake, asi murume...(1Corinthians 7v3-5).
8. Sara aiteerera Abraham achimuidza ishe (1Peter 3v6). Nhasi uno ukadaidzwa newako unodaira uchitii? 'helo' or 'watii?' or 'uri kudei?' or 'hee!' If u expect yo husband to treat u like a queen, treat him like a king also. That's how it works.
The above would all sound foolish or impossible without Jesus in your heart. Those who believe in gender equality will be angered by these sentiments. Fortunately, the term 'gender equality' does not exist in the Word of God. After reading this, pleased to pass it on to every wife you know & even to those who are not yet but are going to be by the grace of God. Do this without fear or favor. While the devil is working overtime to destroy families, lets spread the message that helps to keep marriages & families intact.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
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