Marriage is a union between a man and a woman by which the woman leaves her mother and her father and cleaves to the man accepting to be his wife.
Marriage is not supposed to be a thing of force but of choice, marriage is not supposed to be a union for sufferings but a union of enjoyment; marriage is a union that should bring happiness and not sorrow, marriage is supposed to be a union of understanding and sharing one another burden but in most homes, the opposite has been the case. Most husbands have turned their wives into punching bags; most children grow up seeing their mother suffering from endless beating day and night.
When there is no peace between the husband and the wife then there is a very high tendency that the children will also get affected. Some of the males grow up seeing their father always beating their mother when things go wrong and they now grow up with the feeling that women are meant to be beaten but I tell you no responsible man will ever beat his wife. Do these mean that the women are permitted to misbehave? No.
Let us look at some actions we take either knowingly or unknowingly that break marriages. I tag it a must-read for all the teenagers, youth and adults.
1. Pride: Pride is one character that breaks marriage both from the women and the men but in most cases the men exhibit this character more. You are a man and that we know but that does not mean your wife has no say in the family. Marriage is a union and not a slave trade, the two parties involved is supposed to hear from each other no matter your educational or financial status. In most Nigeria homes pride has really done a lot of harm than good. If you want your marriage to last please remove pride. Your wife should be your friend and not your servant. Most of us can’t even say sorry because of pride and if you continue that way your marriage is at risk of breaking.
2. Carelessness: Most couples are very careless towards each other. The husbands don’t care for the wife and also the wives don’t care for the husband. But in most cases it is the fault of the woman. Women loves care and when they don’t get that care their character changes. Please husbands and husbands-to-be learn to care for your spouse. These also break relationships and not only marriage.
3. Harsh words: Most husbands and wives don’t know how to talk at all. They use any word on their spouse not knowing that it can leave a wound in the heart of their spouse. Some go as far as saying I am just managing you; if not because of me who do you think you would have been. Please be mindful of the words that come out from your mouth to your spouse, it can cause a lifetime injury in his or her heart and it will take a really long process and time to heal that wound.
4. Time: Time is indeed very precious and waits for no one. The amount of time you spend on something will determine how much you love, cherish, and what that thing. Most men spend more time on their business than their wives. How can you go to work 7 times in the weak and you also stay there from 6am to 8pm? Women need attention and can go extra miles to get it. No matter how rigid your work is or no matter how busy you find yourself still make out time with your spouse. Money is good but money is not everything. Even if you give her enough money still give her enough time and she will always think of you anytime you are distance.
5. Communication: This is another marriage breaking act we need to look deeply on. Communication is a two-way thing. Most men don’t know how to communicate with their spouse even while they try it always lead to quarrel or conflict. Communication brings people together and is very essential in any relationship or marriage. For those of you who don’t know how to communicate with your spouse here are some useful tips:
*. Find his or her likes and dislike: These include movies, sports, music, etc
*. Find his or her favorite topics.
*. Learn to flow with him or her even when they are angry.
*. Learn to be funny, crack jokes as often as you can.
6. Trust issues: Most wives don’t trust their husbands and likewise most husband. When there are trust issues in the marriage it will give room to questions like why are you coming this late from work? Who called your phone twice this morning? These questions get men upset and can make him use his anger on you. Even when you notice some funny moves please be very sure before you jump into conclusion learn to trust. This is where the manner of approach comes in.
7. Manner of approach: The way you approach your spouse matters even when you’ve caught him red-handed approach him in a way he will feel guilty and beg you and not in a way that will upset him or her. The way you approach someone can make that person plead or either upset the person even when he or she knows that they are at fault.
8. Picking offense in every action: Nobody has never in one way or the order makes a mistake. As human beings we are bound to make mistakes, learn not to pick offense in every mistake, learn to overlook some things and I assure you your home will be united again.
9. Submission: Wives should learn to be very submissive to their husbands. This doesn’t mean that you are a fool no submission is different from acting as a slave. A man will always love a woman who is submissive to him.
10. Respect: Lack of respect for each other is another cause of divorce in many homes. Wives please respect your husbands and also husbands respect your wives. Never look down on your spouse because everybody’s decision in one way or the order can be helpful in the family. Nobody has all the knowledge on earth.
I believe that this will go a long way to help most marriages that have been in conflict and also bring peace to some homes where violence is the order of the day. Questions on these should be made known on the comment box and remember I don’t have all the knowledge so please endeavor to go through the comment box and answer most questions you know you can answer
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Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
The views shared in this article may not necessarily be the same as those of the brand.
When there is no peace between the husband and the wife then there is a very high tendency that the children will also get affected. Some of the males grow up seeing their father always beating their mother when things go wrong and they now grow up with the feeling that women are meant to be beaten but I tell you no responsible man will ever beat his wife. Do these mean that the women are permitted to misbehave? No.
Let us look at some actions we take either knowingly or unknowingly that break marriages. I tag it a must-read for all the teenagers, youth and adults.
1. Pride: Pride is one character that breaks marriage both from the women and the men but in most cases the men exhibit this character more. You are a man and that we know but that does not mean your wife has no say in the family. Marriage is a union and not a slave trade, the two parties involved is supposed to hear from each other no matter your educational or financial status. In most Nigeria homes pride has really done a lot of harm than good. If you want your marriage to last please remove pride. Your wife should be your friend and not your servant. Most of us can’t even say sorry because of pride and if you continue that way your marriage is at risk of breaking.
2. Carelessness: Most couples are very careless towards each other. The husbands don’t care for the wife and also the wives don’t care for the husband. But in most cases it is the fault of the woman. Women loves care and when they don’t get that care their character changes. Please husbands and husbands-to-be learn to care for your spouse. These also break relationships and not only marriage.
3. Harsh words: Most husbands and wives don’t know how to talk at all. They use any word on their spouse not knowing that it can leave a wound in the heart of their spouse. Some go as far as saying I am just managing you; if not because of me who do you think you would have been. Please be mindful of the words that come out from your mouth to your spouse, it can cause a lifetime injury in his or her heart and it will take a really long process and time to heal that wound.
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Listen To Acts That Cause Divorce |
4. Time: Time is indeed very precious and waits for no one. The amount of time you spend on something will determine how much you love, cherish, and what that thing. Most men spend more time on their business than their wives. How can you go to work 7 times in the weak and you also stay there from 6am to 8pm? Women need attention and can go extra miles to get it. No matter how rigid your work is or no matter how busy you find yourself still make out time with your spouse. Money is good but money is not everything. Even if you give her enough money still give her enough time and she will always think of you anytime you are distance.
5. Communication: This is another marriage breaking act we need to look deeply on. Communication is a two-way thing. Most men don’t know how to communicate with their spouse even while they try it always lead to quarrel or conflict. Communication brings people together and is very essential in any relationship or marriage. For those of you who don’t know how to communicate with your spouse here are some useful tips:
*. Find his or her likes and dislike: These include movies, sports, music, etc
*. Find his or her favorite topics.
*. Learn to flow with him or her even when they are angry.
*. Learn to be funny, crack jokes as often as you can.
6. Trust issues: Most wives don’t trust their husbands and likewise most husband. When there are trust issues in the marriage it will give room to questions like why are you coming this late from work? Who called your phone twice this morning? These questions get men upset and can make him use his anger on you. Even when you notice some funny moves please be very sure before you jump into conclusion learn to trust. This is where the manner of approach comes in.
7. Manner of approach: The way you approach your spouse matters even when you’ve caught him red-handed approach him in a way he will feel guilty and beg you and not in a way that will upset him or her. The way you approach someone can make that person plead or either upset the person even when he or she knows that they are at fault.
8. Picking offense in every action: Nobody has never in one way or the order makes a mistake. As human beings we are bound to make mistakes, learn not to pick offense in every mistake, learn to overlook some things and I assure you your home will be united again.
9. Submission: Wives should learn to be very submissive to their husbands. This doesn’t mean that you are a fool no submission is different from acting as a slave. A man will always love a woman who is submissive to him.
10. Respect: Lack of respect for each other is another cause of divorce in many homes. Wives please respect your husbands and also husbands respect your wives. Never look down on your spouse because everybody’s decision in one way or the order can be helpful in the family. Nobody has all the knowledge on earth.
I believe that this will go a long way to help most marriages that have been in conflict and also bring peace to some homes where violence is the order of the day. Questions on these should be made known on the comment box and remember I don’t have all the knowledge so please endeavor to go through the comment box and answer most questions you know you can answer
Don't forget to CLICK FOLLOW because more interesting articles and news will be posted as soon as possible.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
Follow Apostle Pride Sibiya (Bishop: Glory Ministries) on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, WhatsApp, Google+, Instagram, Instaclips, and all social media.
Copyright: Brand Pride Sibiya (tempering with the article without permission of Brand is a criminal offense).
The views shared in this article may not necessarily be the same as those of the brand.