God is our the Ultimate Father over all creation. He is our source, our guide, protector, and teacher.
As such we should all love Him and see him as a loving Father who has our best at His heart only that we should be aligned to His plans and purposes. God expects us to be responsible sons. "Responsibility," is a compound of two words, "response" and "ability." Responsibility is the ability to respond! Are you a responsible son?
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
In the Church, God has also given us human father figures, mentors and teachers whom we recognize as our vision bearers and our pastors. We as sons(both males and females) have just 2 responsibilities according to the Bible (just as parents have their own towards us):
1. Honor Them (Exodus 20:7)
To honor means to give high respect, great esteem, pay homage to in word and in-deed.
2. Obey(Ephesians 6:1)
To comply, to respond comfortably, to conform in word and in-deed.
The question is, how do you manifest these two. Here are 10 sub-responsibilities of spiritual sons to their spiritual parental figures:
1. Do not talk ill against them (1 Timothy 5:19).
It is a great privilege to be close to spiritual leaders. However, familiarity breeds contempt and as we come closer we are tempted to disrespect them and talk ill about them. This is dangerous and disastrous because it causes you to: Lose revelation (Proverbs 20:20); Lose vision (Proverbs 30:17); Are cursed(Deuteronomy 27:16) and; Die (Exodus 21:17).
2. Know you are not colleagues (Hebrews 13:7).
Always understand the spiritual protocol and spiritual hierarchical authority( law of ranks). We are all God's children but we have different ranks in the spirit. Even Michael could not revile Satan an evil spirit that had now claimed a higher rank than him (Jude 8-10)
3. Be willing to listen and learn, gleaning from their wisdom that to be the "main speaker" trying to impress them (Proverbs 10:8, 12:15, 18:2).
Many immature Christian try to impress than listen and get counsel thereby leave the presence of the mature having learnt nothing. Even when they rebuke you, take it with love knowing that it is a father's responsibility to circumcise you (Acts 16:1-3).
4. Connect to your covering by tithing
Your covering is your Melchizedek, connect with it by tithing, Genesis 14:18-20.
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10 Sub-Responsibilities Of Sons In The Ministry |
5. Be obedient (Proverbs 15:5, Titus 3:1, Hebrews 13:17, 1 Peter 5:5 )
If you are delegated please do what you have been assigned and give feedback ably and timeously. If your covering calls you to respond favorably and give all needed assistance.
6. Submit your personal vision (Judges 11:30-31, 34-37,39).
Jephthah covenanted with God that if God gave him victory over his enemies he would give anything that met him first on his return from war. His only daughter did! Oh! She asked for two months' leave-of-absence to mourn her virginity with friends at the end of which she handed herself to be burnt. She had a personal vision of marriage but she surrendered it for the bigger and corporate vision of the father and nation. Will you?
7. Be available to be sacrificed (Genesis 22:9).
When Isaac was between ages 16-19, he could have resisted or even beaten up his 116-119-year-old dad when he asked him to lay on the alter that he could sacrifice him. He did not. He trusted that his father heard God and if it was him to be sacrificed then be it so. Can your father and mother trust you that you will be available to go to the remotest part that souls may be saved?
8. The welfare of your covering (1 Corinthians 9:13-14).
When God raises a covering and the covering has raised many sons and daughters there should come a time that it should be necessary for them to buy physical things (Bishop Never Muparutsa). It is a powerful fact that Satan fights that, those who minister in the minister of holy things live of the temple! Read 1 Timothy 5:17-18.
9. Cover the nakedness of your father (Genesis 9).
Noah laid naked in his bedroom and his son invaded his privacy and instead of covering his father, he mocked him. He was cursed. Your father carries your blessing even when he is drunk! What he did not understand was that your father's insufficiency is what makes your relevance. His weakness is your calling! His nakedness is your chance to be blessed.
10. Do not move the ancient boundaries that the fathers have set (Proverbs 22:28).
In Genesis 26:18-19, Isaac prospered because instead of criticizing his father's work and claiming to be "the more anointed" one with "new revelation," bringing strange doctrines, he simply "re-dug the wells his father, Abraham, had dug and re-named them by the same names his father had."
In closing, neve dishonor those that brought you up in the Lord. Honour is a greater seed that the seed of money and what you sow is what you reap!
I love you.
"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you" (Hebrews 13:17).
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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