Apostle Pride Sibiya says: You are not delivered by moving from prophet to prophet. The Bible says, "you shall know the truth, the truth shall set you free!"(John 8:32).
Musachembere muchingoti kwanzi kunemoto momhanya, kuChurch idzodzowo vanhu varikungofawo sekwenyu. Chinoporesa haisi Church kana prophet, pastor, muvhangeri, apostle or bhishopi, ishoko rawabata ukaziva.
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Ukatevera shoko kudarika munhu haungazorarwe newe napapa nekuti unovaudza kuti hazvisi mushoko, asi ukangoteera apostle pasina shoko, kunozvarwa vana.
Kikiki mukatamba muchaita mhanza nekutenderera maChurch nemakonifarensi muchingoturikwa maoko misoro! Tsvaga chokwadi chaMwari kwete vaporofita, tarisa vaporofita varikuuya vachienda ASI SHOKO RAMWARI RINODGARA NEKUSINGAPERE!
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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