New year is overrated. It brings euphoria, excitement, etc. New year minus new strategy equals to same confusion.
31 December does not mean the death of your problems and neither does 1 January mean an amnesty of your invidious predicament. Only a new strategy can change the outlook of your circumstances.
By 1 January, you are in the same marriage, job, village, town, country, etc.
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Must Read: Exploits DNA: Request Machimbira |
There is a difference between a new year and a new season. Seasons place obligations. There is a season for land preparation, planting, crop maintenance, harvesting, buying diapers, back to school, campaigning, examination, etc. What you need is to understand the obligations of each season. Before a you celebrate a new year, ask yourself; "What are my obligations for this season?"
You have the power to recreate your circumstances. You can make your career new. You can make your marriage new. You can make your business new.
You don't put plastering on cracks. Use crack - filler. Don't celebrate the passage of time. Create new circumstances.
It's never the time to give up. Neither do l encourage you to arrive too soon. The power is in you. You need a Correct Strategy for your circumstances.
2020 can easily be 2019 continued. MAKE IT NEW!
The Writer Request Machimbira is an Inspirational Speaker, Strategy GrandMaster, Entrepreneurship Mentor, Wellness Ambassador & HR Consultant. Parts of this passage are extracted from his upcoming book, EXPLOITS DNA!
For Engagements, contact him on +263772693404!
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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