Truth hurts but the fact is some women don’t know how to use a bedroom. Seriously!! They think a bedroom is just for sleeping, dreaming, waking up and sleeping again.
Let’s discuss how to use a bedroom and I hope all you married women out there will pay attention. If you want to sentence your husband to prison in your bedroom until the day he will grow old and eventually die, do the following:
1. MASSAGE HIM WHILE HE LIES DOWN: As your man knocks off from work, he is tired and exhausted. Massage him for some good 20 minutes then reward him with a nice glass of juice.
2. IT’S YOUR JOB AS A WIFE TO BUY HIM UNDERWEAR: Don’t be nervous or shy, he is your husband given to you by God. That nice shaped body of his belongs to you and your body is his property. He also has a job to buy your panties accordingly
3. PLAY NICE, SLOW, ROMANTIC MUSIC: When you are just the two of you. It’s not a sin. God wants you to enjoy your marriage here on earth. Why play Dunuma Reverse and all those noise making rhumba songs in your bedroom. God forbid
4. TOUCH YOUR MAN: Yes touch him, no one is going to question you. Even men like to be touched and caressed by their women. So touch his face, explore his head, his attention to his bums and all those sensitive zones and let him make that funny face (since them they don’t normally scream like us ladies, but there is a way they make funny faces). He will not beat you for doing so, so go ahead and enjoy it.
5. MAKE LOVE TO HIM: It’s the best gift you can have in marriage. No need to feel embarrassed. Surprise him when he knocks off from work. Let him find the bed well made and decorated with you sitting there almost naked, trust me it will make him go crazy. Men are very easy to entice, now imagine your own husband.
6. WHO SAID YOU CAN ONLY DO IT ON THE BED every time? Who lied to you? Which commandment enforces this in the Bible. Be creative and switch places. You can make love even on the floor, in the bathroom even on the couch in the sitting room (provided you are just the two of you) I mean don’t you find the bed boring and tiresome sometimes?
7. WHICH LAW MAKES IT ILLEGAL TO EAT FROM YOUR BEDROOM? Why don’t you cook a special dish and serve it in the bedroom for you two to enjoy? How about you feed him while he does the same-SO ROMANTIC NOT SO? Treat each other like babies and have lots of fun
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8. WHY DON’T YOU PLAY GAMES like puzzle, chess or just watch a movie together. Crack jokes and laugh together, tell each other stories. You will never forget these merry moments in your life.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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