If people knew how powerful sex was they wouldn't have it with just anybody. During sex, there are two different exchanges that take place: physical and spiritual.
Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange. But the second is the spirit which most people don't know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange or obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities, behaviours, ideology etc GOOD OR BAD and it becomes a part of you. Sex was intended for one man and one woman.
So many problems come as a result of sex outside of marriage. Disease and unplanned pregnancy are just scratching the surface.
Do you know that sleeping with a person you enter into a covenant with that other person's spirit?
This happens every time you have sex with a person.
And... In addition to this... Whoever they have had sex with... Now you're attached to those people's
spirits as well. This is why there are so many people with multiple personalities, who are dribbling and dabbling in this and that, who are confused, and all messed up in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. They are dealing with their own personality as well as the other people they have physically and spiritually connected themselves too.
The person you could be laying with could be full of the devil and now ... You are too. How can this be avoided? The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 "Flee from sexual immorality".
Do it in God's way. Just wait. Save sex for marriage. Sex is a beautiful thing, it's fun, it's exciting when done in God's way. God knows how it feels and what it does. He created it! But he also put
boundaries in place because He knows what can happen when people get careless with it.
The good news is, this doesn't have to be you. If you haven't already engaged in sexual activity then don't. Save sex for your husband or wife. Ask God to discipline you to wait and take away the desire because it's definitely hard to stop wanting something that is good to you after you've had it.
Please share with friends, God bless you all.
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