8 Things Women Find Very Attractive in Men! Read This!

Besides the Faith or  Religious Aspect, Men!! Contrary to the way we look at women and find her attractive in our eyes, women go beyond by figuring out if you are the right guy she needs in her life.

Below is a list of 8 things every woman (Christians & non-Christians) will fall for in any man:

1. Independence: Women want a man able to stand on his own two feet, to make up his own mind, and to stand by his values. Paying your own bills is half the battle one aspect of independence, the other aspect is the ability to be yourself. Have your own interests and hobbies, and respect her need to have her own too.

2. Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are a must in any relationship, so you’d better believe it’s what women want in a man. To be a great communicator you’ve got to listen just as well as you express yourself. Make your thoughts known, but make sure you appreciate her thoughts, too.

3. Intelligence: Show her that you can challenge her and stay informed. Read a book every once in a while … not only will it make you a smarter man, but it will also make you far more attractive to her.
Loving Couple
4. Passion: Do not be afraid to show your interest in her. A woman wants a man who she knows feels strongly about her and who proves it every day. Don’t play it cool when you’ve found a keeper. Show her how you feel and let her know that she can do the same.

5. Ambition: Complacency has never been an attractive quality. A touch of ambition will make your own life more challenging and satisfying, and it’s magnetic to women. Constantly improve yourself, develop your skills, and always strive for your best. The best women will find it irresistible.
6. Confidence: Confidence doesn’t mean puffing out your chest or commanding everyone’s attention … in fact those behaviors are often a sign of a lack of confidence. The kind of confidence that women want is seen in men who know who they are and are proud of themselves. Don’t try and be someone you’re not, just be the best version of yourself.

7. Physique: Don’t worry dude, most women aren’t holding for a man with a model’s sculpted abs. Women are much more gracious in that sense. However, putting effort into your physical health attracts women because it’s a sign that you respect yourself. Start exercising more regularly and you’ll be turning your improved physique combined with your added confidence.

8. Romance: Notice the little things and make sure to appreciate them. Do favors for her. Give her surprises that show you’ve been thinking about her. It’s never a bad idea to make a special woman feel special.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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