2. Marital level of patience is the patience to hold on, forgive and hope for a change except it becomes life-threatening.
3. The relationship level of patience is patience for the changeable or acceptable. If the flaw is a character pattern, it may never change, then you have a choice.
4. They won't be perfect but their commitment to practice improvement and consistent adjustment is key if you are to go on.
By Ocholi Okutepa
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Lady Begs Man |
6. If you are dating and are not becoming best friends, you are not progressing right.
7. Marriage will not be as lenient on you as you are concerning serious issues of how compatible and committed you are.
8. Stop holding on to that relationship simply because your target was to marry this year.
9. Pardon me, but don't be stupid! He is beating you up and you want to marry him? I know you love him but that's not enough.
10. Tension and pressure If you haven't managed to stabilize your differences and you want to get married; you are not ready.
11. Don't wait for marriage to open your eyes. Stop being blind when your heart is screaming stop. Stop indeed and think if the relationship is worthy of a future.
12. You may take any level of imperfection but NEVER marry a person who doesn't fear God!
13. If they are not bold enough to displease you to do what is right they may never be bold enough to do what is right to please you when the pressures come in marriage.
14. Except you want to have a hard time being married, you better also get into a financial relationship and not just this "I love you, you love me" emotional business. Money issues can drive that emotion away in seconds.
15. Marriage is a sealed capture. If they can trivialize you now that they are still wooing, they will just finish you and dustbin you in marriage.
16. My dear is honest with yourself, if being in that relationship is not honorable and proud, you are lost.
17. 'I don't think anybody can ever understand me like him/her" is a classical statement of bondage to a lost cause.
18. You have been in a relationship for 10-15 years, my dear you are already married. Be honest, you have been eating something, no wonder no one is in a rush to seal the deal.
19. In Africa, if they don't have due regard for family cultural requirements towards getting married, they are not smart enough for the system they have to maneuver around or move abroad and forget home.
20. "I just can't help myself, it is my weakness", If you are not ready to be happy with the condition, flee.
21. One day you will wake up and realize that your relationship was your opportunity to trade your future for gain or loss, don't surrender it cheaply.
22. You don't necessarily have to go with a money bag, but that's not an excuse to follow a fool who no financial plan and no preparation for wellbeing.
23. If you realize by relating that they are not what they said they were, chances are that they would not become what they promised.
24. So you have realized that you are deceived and you think its too late to walk away, that is surrender. It is never too late to correct a known wrong.
25. They Cannot hide the fact of a child, past marriage, current flings and you will be kind enough to become a detective and still marry them.
26. If they cannot honor you, they cannot marry you. Simple and short!
27. Call you names, verbally get cancerous on you? Re-think, marriage may not be recommended for your pair! Verbal abuse is the commonest devil in most marriages today.
28. Stop holding on to him/her because they are a 'committed Christian' or 'a Pastor', marriage will not be a preaching service, it is a living home, don't invite a living hell!
29. If it is not about love, commitment, honor, understanding, plan, and a future, it is not worth walking to the altar.
30. If your joy has not become their creed and their happiness your commitment, you have not paired enough for a home.
31. If you have not made a commitment to make an effort to make it work, you are going to be a weak link for the devil in the home.
32. They cannot continually defer to any Bro, Sis, or Mr. Prophet ahead of the understanding, plan, and purpose of the union. It is you they are marrying, not the church or that person.
33. Adult life is secretive. Marital life ought to be open, if they are more 'adult' than 'marriageable', think again, marriage is for openness.
34. Pardon me, marriage is not like a stroll in the park so it matters who comes along, na work!
35. I could go on and on, but all I set out to say is, if THEY ARE NOT WORTH THE RISK, DON'T TAKE THE TRIP!
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