Words That You Should Never Say To A Loved One

Here are some words that you should never even attempt to say to a loved one:

1. I will slap you!

2. I will divorce you!

3. "Swine!", "Twerp!"

4. You are hopeless!

5. You are useless!

6. I blame myself for marrying you

7. You can go to hell!

8. You call yourself a man!

9. I hate you!

10. Can't you be like Mr. X or Madam Y?
Words can be destructive

11. You are ugly, you are a witch!

12. This marriage will not last!

13. I don't think we are meant for each other!

14. Prostitute!

15. Bitch!

16. If you misbehave, i will divorce you!

17. I don't love you anymore!

18. You are fat for nothing!

19. Your breast are too small or big for my liking!

20. You are too short!!!

21. Your madness has started again!!!

22. I will be the one to kill you!!!

23. You don't have home training!

24. I was forced to marry you!

25. If you don't give me a male child, i will marry a second wife!

Abuse in its different manifestations is the most destructive tool! It leads to emotional trauma,fear and discomfort!! Its damaging and traumatizing!

Choose to Speak life. Prov 18:21
1. Speak good things about your spouse e.g "I love you" you are wonderful, you look sweet, your food was good, you are my world, you look charming etc

2. Confess positive things about your marriage.

3. Express your love to each other verbally every day.

4. Speak about things that you do/do not like

5. Speak to edify.

6. Always pray together! There is power in praying and reading the WORD of GOD together!


Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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