By Apostle Pride Sibiya
Tazvinzwa wagona kushora machurch but if you die today where will you go? Zvozodii mberi kwazvo?
Inga kuchikoro maticha aibata vana, makazorega here kuendesa vana, inga mota dzaiurayisa vanhu pamigwagwa makarega here kukwira?
I know the church should be the apex of moral standards asi hatingarase mbereko nekufirwa, torasa mwana nemvura yaageza here? Are they not real preachers and real churches, and real believers?
Ko kuchikoro tinoenda nekuti tinogona here kana kunodzidza? Thinking that church will be full of holy people is tantamount to saying only professors should go for grade one!
Apostle Pride Sibiya |
A better life after death starts with receiving Jesus Christ in this life. Pray with me..."Lord Jesus Christ please come into my heart now, I am a sinner and please wash me in your blood and forgive me. You are my Lord and Savior from today."
Hama namata uchiri mupenyu, seri kweguva hakuna munyengetero, namata uchiri mupenyu. When you are at the judgement seat do not regret having seen this message and ignored Christ or passing it on so others may be saved.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship. Hebrews 10:25 inoti: "Musarega tsika yekusangana sezvava kuitwa nevamwe..."
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