Today, I want to share with you ways that you can increase your spiritual sensitivity. Colosians 3:16, Jude 1:20
1. Stay away from the unanointed atmosphere: Create an atmosphere of the anointing by constant worship, praise, and regularly listening to messages.
By Anonymous
2. Maintain close contact with an authentic gift and calling of the Holy Spirit: Stop staying around strange spiritual influences, false prophets, and people that operate in falsehood.
Find a genuine minister around you, listen to them and attend their ministry.
3. Increase your intake of the word of God: One of the signs of spiritual sickness is losing appetite for the word of God.
Study the Bible regularly.
Read the bible through in a year.
Spiritual Devotion |
5. Regular fasting: Fasting is a booster to spiritual activities. Majority of Christians are struggling because they can't get to the frequency that God is communicating with them.
You should note that fasting does not change God, fasting changes you.
Fasting fine-tunes your frequency to the frequency of the Holy Spirit.
If you are not concentrating on something spiritual, you are not fasting but just doing hunger strike. Don’t use fasting to bribe God to change His mind concerning a matter.
6. Allow the fruit of the Spirit to grow in you.
7. Reduce emotionalism: Don't let your emotions or another person's emotions rule you. Negative passion reduces spiritual sensitivity. Anger, wrath, malice, offences are all enemies of spiritual sensitivity.
8. Spend more time speaking in tongue:
9. Instant obedience to divine signal: Divine signals come through your conscience.
10. Learning to rebuke wrong spirits: "Cast down every evil imagination, any anything that is against the knowledge of God." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Learn to walk with the Lord until your heart is stronger than your brain, body, and men's opinion.
Your body language in the presence of God will signal the attitude of God towards you.
PRAYER POINTS: Lord I pray for sensitivity of heart and spirit to the Holy Spirit, that I will become awake and aware of your moves and doings both in my life and around me in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.
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