Spiritual Attack Against A Servant Of God, Apostle Pride Sibiya - The Blood In The House (Part 1)

Every servant of God who has ever done any reputable work of god on the earth has had a fair share of Satanic attacks against him or her or both! 

In this series, we take time to focus on the life of Apostle Pride Sibiya to try and strengthen the Body of Christ. He was born again in 1984 and has been in Christian ministry for 23 years(as of February 2019). The articles coincide with the 18th anniversary of the church he leads. The series does not come in particular chronological sequence.

 Let us hear from him:

I was having one of my earliest crusades, in the place I stayed, Zengeza, after we had started the ministry. Before-hand I had had a dream and a night vision in which God showed me the people who led witchcraft and satanism in my area.

I saw them as clearly as I see you now. They came into my house and wanted to attack me. They were all naked.
Apostle Pride Sibiya
They looked at me with disdain, as I lay on the bed. They seemed hesitant at first and when they were about to strike a big hand came and carried me from the bad. They were trying to get to me but could not, until one of them warned me not to continue doing the work of the ministry and confessed in Shona; "haa takutadza mfana!"(we are failing to get you, young one.

So as we conducted the crusade, we left the house all looked and did the crusade. A lot of young people attended and manifested many demons. After the crusade, we went home and after unlocking, it got in. There was blood sprinkled all over the place in our five-roomed house, even in the kitchen. We prayed over the pre-cooked food ate and slept.

Later one of the person who had done this manifested and told me that they did this to try and terrify me not to continue preaching the gospel.

I want to say, "Satan is real, his demons and people who work for him are real. However, God's power surpasses all. If God will use you, you will go through a lot of attacks, fear not!

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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