As I started out in ministry I used to walk many kilometres to preach, teach and visit my church members.
I still remember walking for many kilometres to a conference to preach with my wife pregnant with our first daughter in Marondera.
Those days were the worst yet the best!
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
After many years praying for just a bicycle to use to visit my members, a couple stepped to the platform and handed me car keys for my first-ever car (God Bless Them!).
Just after them, came someone with a bicycle ... (God bless him!). Till today I deeply appreciate both gifts! Only that the bicycle became less of a "necessity" and became a "want." I wished it had come earlier during the former years.
Apostle Pride Sibiya |
Ladies and gentlemen, the day I got the bicycle after the car I learnt something: When God calls you into His Kingdom, asks you to do something, calls you to repent, says you must work for Him, do it NOW!
Timing is everything in life.
Do not waste your productive years where you are usable to God and commit the last to God or after years of His initial call.
As has just been said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion" (Hebrews 3:15).
Receive Jesus Christ today!
Be In Church!
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