When you dominate the communication space in a way to intimidating your partner with your opinions, and every thing that happens in your relationship is traceable solely to your input and dictates, then, you'll soon walk alone.
Domineering tendencies are threats to effective communication.
Love |
Listen more — to service effective collaboration and intimacy.
Listen more — to sustain an impression that you are approachable.
Listen more — to send a message that you're not self-sufficient.
Anyone relating with you wants to see that you have a genuine interest in him/her. When you're not competing with your partner, you'll share moments of chat-fellowship, you'll feel secure listening and you'll give him/her the confidence of self expression.
What's your plan for tomorrow? Right on WhatsApp, I want to teach you value-adding secrets on how to raise the value of your partner and boost your relationship via sound, productive, creative compliments .
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