2. Also understand that many of members are members of 3 churches....they have their morning church, afternoon church and evening church. Fight for commitment.
3. Social media is having impact on church attendance so we must fight for church attendance. Now many people can stay at home and watch Facebook live, you tube live.
4. Don't kill yourself over some of the people that left the church restoration will come.
5. When your members start becoming wealthy and enter places of influence and you don't update yourself and the ministry you will lose them.
6. Don't be a pastor who prays for people to get miracles and after they leave your church to give testimony in another church.
7. The way you encouraged them to leave their pastor to join your church that is how they will leave you to join another church.
Father and son |
9. Build your brand. Be known for something. Let your message and brand stand out.
10. Some of the genuine fathers that God will give you might not be popular, might not be wealthy but they have the wisdom and the anointing to help you.
11. Don't be so much caught up in ministry trying to grow a big church and lose your family.
12. Don't be so much in a rush to crash. Ministry is a long journey. Some of the things that people rush for don't last.
13. There is no point in time where you won't believe God for the next level.
14. Don't put your frustration on your members. They didn't come to church to hear your complaints. They came to be blessed.
15. Understand that some pastors lie and exaggerate about church attendance, honorarium etc in order to make you feel they are better and anointed than you. Stay cool.
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