MUST READ: Five People You Need To Make It In Life.

Not matter how strong, powerful, wealthy, noble, poor, weak, vulnerable you are, you need someone in life. The Bible in the book of Exodus 17:12 talks about how Moses became tired after lifting his hands for long and Aron and Hur had to help him. 

As powerful and anointed Moses was he needed someone. There are five unique people you need to make it in life, and these are:

1. Thomas (John 20:25-26). Thomas was a very unique friend of Jesus. He had a character and perspective different from all the other disciples. He was known as the Doubting Thomas. When the other disciples told him that they had seen Jesus he refused to believe and said unless I see the marks on his side and hands first I will not believe. Jesus had to prove himself first before Thomas. In life you need people like Thomas who doubts that you can make it. They make you want to prove yourself. They push you to the extreme just for you to prove to them that indeed you can make it.

Written By Trish Gamuchirai Phiri
2. Judas Iscariot (Luke 6:16). He was known as the betraying friend. When Judas betrayed Jesus, the Bible for the first time says that Jesus prayed and cried tears as of blood. This was never recorded in history. It took betrayal to let what was tamed impossible happen. In life you need people who let you down. They make you to discover the possibility of the impossible. They squeeze the potential in you. They bring forth determination.
Five People You Need To Make It In Life.
3. Penninah (1Samuel1:7). Penninah was Hannah's rival. She used to laugh at Hannah's barrenness. She pushed Hannah out of her comfort zone. The laughter and provocation brought forth Samuel. In life you need people like Penninah around. They bring discomfort and dissatisfaction. They make you not to relax and sleep on your dreams. They poke the best out of you.

4. Epaphroditus (Philippians). He brought comfort to Paul when he was in  distress. Paul described him as a brother and a fellow soldier. Brothers look after the welfare of the other and soldiers defend. You need people who believe in you. You need people who defend you, who comfort you when the going gets tough. Everyone has dark hours and in such times Epaphroditus is handy.

5. Eli (1 Samuel 3:6). Eli was a priest and when Samuel could not define the voice that was calling him Eli had to be the interpreter. It was going to be difficult for Samuel to decern that it was God speaking if Eli was not there. In life you need an Eli someone who defines circumstances, situation and stages of life. Such people bring direction, knowledge and wisdom to us. You need an instructor, mentor, a father to define things and events as they unfold in your life.

The sixth and the ultimate person you need is Jesus. The Bible says when Shadreck, Misheck and Abednego were in the fire the forth man was seen you also need the sixth man because when the Thomas, Judas Penninahs come they will leave scars but only Jesus is there to heal.

Receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior today!!!
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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