After the question was sent out, these responses came. Apostle Pride Sibiya gives his view afterwards.
- Cheating and infidelity is number one
- Not appreciating me
- Lack of communication
- Failing to have Jesus in your marriage
- Lack of transparency concerning money and finances
- Not giving me money
- Not bathing properly
- Smelly private parts
- Smelly mouth
- Not being friends
- Talking too much
- I think the Zimbabwean economy contributes too
- Loose and watery va***a
- Demonic attacks
- Voting for the wrong party (oops kikiki! shocked me).
- Lack of surprises
- Having se* the same way always
- Not being innovative in the bedroom, kutadza chikapa.
- Allowing relatives to dictate in our marriage and involving them when we have our own issues. Unonotenga hama dzako kuti mundikutsanire.
- Lying
- Asking a woman about the person who took her virginity
- Failing to have time together
- Hormones are at play. As you stay together long they wane
- Making the bedroom a court just before we want to have sex. Unoudzwa tsanangudzo kunge uripamaSowe.
- Emotional abuse and verbal torcher
- Lack of loving me and giving me attention.
- Not respecting me, I am your husband not your child
- Not caring for me when I am sick
- Talking ill about my parents, wotuka mai vangu vapinda papi?
- Lack of trust, constant fights and blame game.
If you are experiencing challenges in your marriage then please sit down and talk it over. If they are now serious then move on to find a counsellor. Inbox!
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