Here's What To Do When Fasting!

1. Pray individually and attend prayer meetings.

2. Study the Word and apply it. Listen to the Word

3. Worship, individually and with recorded audio

4. Listen to God and godly counsel

5. Change what you have to change

6. Do not breakfast with heavy food, start off with very light and little food like soups. This is a mockery to ulcers. No dairy products, your tummy will run.
7. After fasting, drink plenty of water, to re-hydrate your body and to flush out toxins.

8. If you make a mistake a eat something small, continue with your fast. Do not let Satan condemn you and stop u.

9. If you are on medication either choose to do partial fasts, half-day or if necessary fore-go the fast. Do not leave medication unless God or a doctor has said so.

10. Be kind, give, give, give!

In short,"touch heaven, change earth!" What more should be done, guys?

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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