Women Are Their Greatest Oppressors: Read Readers' Instant Responses

Just a few minutes ago I wrote an article in which I was trying to prove that the greatest oppressors of women are none other than women themselves 

"MUST READ: Ladies' Greatest Oppressors Revealed".

In an instance, I got these and more responses:

"Reminds me of a lady who had Airmax sneakers on. A guy passed and said, 'nice shoes' and girl passed and said, 'dzemubhero (not genuine, used and donated).' Lady, 21

"Papa when ladies get together, they want the other lady to speak to them. If she does not, then 'she is pompous.' The other one will be thinking the same hence they develop an attitude towards one another." 28-year-old man

"Thanks, Apostle Sibiya. It is very true. I only have male friends, I have had a bad history with female friends." 35-year-old lady
Women Are Their Greatest Oppressors: Read Readers' Instant Responses

"Kikiki, very interesting and factual" 43-year-old man

"Ya, its true, to those women who do not know God." 23-year-old lady

"This is too deep baba, I think you should just write a book on this!" 33-year-old man.

Ladies zvakaoma: men can spend the whole day chatting without evening knowing the other's name, "mdhara makaoma" "mdhara mune nharo!" But women, umm ma1! Lady

"I think it's because we want to be seen by the man. Man is the problem!" 24 year-old lady
"I raised a similar point helping out my wife with her dissertation. she agreed with me. she got a distinction plus comment that this is the new approach to the dilemma of women." 35-year-old man

"Ya ladies are full of drama and competitive even when its not necessary." Lady

"Very true, you can only get positive comments from men, from women, negative only." Lady, 21.

Apostle Pride Sibiya.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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