VERENGA: Mashoko Makukutu PaKisimusi NaApostle Sibiya

Kisimusi neNyu Year iyi tisarasikirwe naKristu tichipemberera yeuchidzo yekuzvarwa kwake. ..vamwe vakaenda kuKisimusi gore rakapera vakadzoka varasikirwa neujaya neumhandara, vamwe vakadzoka vachidzedzereka, vamwe nemabirth certificate, vamwe havasati vadzoka!

Chenjerai vatendi,kundai miedzo, usafadze mass, uchigumbura Mwari,ndapedza kuporofita. (Let us not lose Christ in the commemoration of His birth and New year. Some left for the festive season last year and came back 'virgin-less',,some came back staggering, some with children and some have not even returned till now. Beware, this festive season, do not impress people at the expense of displeasing God. I have prophesied!)
Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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