1. Your wife is using kambudzi (small outdated phone) torch light and You bought your girlfriend the latest android, what are you?
2. You take your girlfriend to the saloon to fix Brazilian hair, while your wife have chiskop, what are you?
3. You bought expensive soap and cream for your girlfriend while your wife use petroleum jelly, what are you?
Flirting |
5. Your wife drink brown tea and maheu, while your girlfriend drink fruit juice, what are you?
6. Your wife hardly recharge her phone with R10 card, but You recharge your girlfriend's phone with R150, what are you?
7. You starve your wife of se*, while you beg your girlfriend for se*, who and what are you?
let me tell you what you are? you are a lost sheep. A child of God who has strayed and Satan is using you. Today I encourage you to rebel from Satan and receive Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour, wodzokera kumba.
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